释义 |
愁眉苦脸 chóu méi kǔ liǎn 常用成语 基本辨析辨析其它语言例句语法情感出处详细解释近义反义例句例句 pull a long face繁体愁眉苦臉近义愁眉锁眼;愁眉不展反义笑逐颜开;喜笑眉开眼笑辨形“脸”,不能写作“睑”。 辨析参见“愁眉不展”。。辨形“脸”,不能写作“睑”。 辨析见“愁眉不展”。日文浮うかぬ顏かおをする,心配し苦くるしむさま 法文visage renfrognémine triste et soucieuse 俄文пóстное лицó 德文ein enttǎuschtes Gesicht machen mit einer bekümmerten Miene成老爹气得愁眉苦脸,只得自己走出去回那几个乡里人去了。清 吴敬梓《儒林外史》第四十八回联合式:作谓语;定语;状语;用于发愁;苦恼或焦急;中性词。清 吴敬梓《儒林外史》第47回:“成老爹气的愁眉苦脸,只得自己走出去回那几个乡里人去了。”解释: 忧愁使得双眉紧锁,脸色悲苦。形容愁容满面。清·李汝珍《镜花缘》九回:“林之洋道:‘妹夫不久就要成仙,为甚忽然愁眉苦脸?难道舍不得家乡,怕做神仙么?’” 巴金《春》一八:“二姐,你就不同,你总是愁眉苦脸想这想那的,近来就没有看见你快活过一个整天。” 梁实秋《雅舍小品·医生》:“不过也不能一概而论,医生也有健谈的,病人尽管愁眉苦脸,他能谈笑生风。” 清·文康《儿女英雄传》四〇回:“只擎着杯酒,愁眉苦眼,一言不发的在座上发愣。” 老舍《四世同堂》五四:“同时,在老公公面前,她还不敢愁眉苦眼的;她得设法用笑脸掩盖起心中的难过。”近义词 苦脸愁云愁容苦相愁眉不展咬牙切齿灰心丧气怒气冲冲没精打彩无精打彩愁眉锁眼蹙额愁眉满面春风春风满面喜气洋洋眉开眼笑欢天喜地眉飞色舞喜笑颜开喜形于色欢欣鼓舞喜逐颜开春风得意欢声笑语笑容可掬兴高采烈喜眉笑脸愁肠百结郁郁寡欢颦眉蹙额垂头丧气愁云满面愁眉泪眼颦眉促额忧心忡忡蹙额颦眉忧心如焚眉头不伸颦眉促额反义笑逐颜开 反义词 春风满面怒容满面喜逐颜开兴高采烈满面春风眉开眼笑眉飞色舞喜形於色怒气冲冲喜眉笑脸欢天喜地春风得意喜形于色喜眉笑眼笑逐颜开愁容满面多愁善感喜气洋洋喜笑颜开笑容可掬和颜悦色欢呼雀跃欢欣鼓舞 别总那麽愁眉苦脸的!Don't be such a worrier! 他愁眉苦脸。There is a gloomy, overcast expression on his face. 我看到她愁眉苦脸。I saw her doleful face. 愁眉苦脸是没有用的,天要下雨时谁也没法子。It's no use pulling a long face, no one can help the fact that it is raining.焦急的父母紧紧依偎在沙发上,周围是愁眉苦脸的侦探,老两口紧盯着电话机等绑匪的电话。 Distraught parents cling to each other on the sofa. Flanked by frowning detectives, the couple stare at their phone waiting for the kidnappers to call. jukuu 你要尽量高兴点;不要如此愁眉苦脸。 You should try to be more cheerful and not mop and mow so much. iciba 你的脸上马上会出现愁眉苦脸的表情。 It immediately places a scowling expression on your face. yeeyan 他手上、脸上以及衣服上满是污垢,时不时你都能瞅见他愁眉苦脸地蹲坐在路边的某个角落里。 His hands, face and clothes are covered in dirt and he can sometimes be seen squatting in a corner on the sidewalk with a look of deep sadness. yeeyan 他们又累又乏,因为长期忍受苦难,脸上都带着愁眉苦脸、咬牙苦熬的表情。 They were tired and weak, and their faces had the drawn expression of patience which comes of hardship long endured. jukuu 它简单到不能再简单了:当理查德·威尔金森完成一幅苍白的、愁眉苦脸的很可能患有癌症的老年人的画作时,你能看到的只是一层接着一层。 It could hardly be simpler: all you see is one layer after another, as Richard Wilkinson builds up a picture of an elderly man, pale and pensive, probably suffering from cancer. ecocn 为什么一副愁眉苦脸的样子? Why wear such a woebegone look?《新英汉大辞典》 现在,请不要愁眉苦脸,我要说的是你不必100%地回避那些很酷的字体。 Now, to take that frown off your face I will say that you don’t have to avoid cool fonts100% of the time. yeeyan 对于亨利克先生来说,最糟糕的不过是某个学生某天被他批评了在课堂上有点愁眉苦脸,仅此而已,而绝不会厌恶他。 Mr. Henrich, at worst, had a student that didn't smile one of the days that he was in his class. edu.sina.com.cn |