释义 |
惪 Dé|Dé 基本例句 kindnesskindmoralityvirtueGermanygoodnessethicsfavorcharactermoral virtuemoral virtues简体德他婚后过着合乎道德规范的生活。He lived a moral life after marriage. 我对宗教问题和道德问题不感兴趣。I am unconcerned with questions of religion or morality. 他的行为违背了社会行为的道德准则。His behavior transgressed the moral rules of the social conduct. 道德标准是否有所改进?Have standards of morality improved? 我们对道德标准看法不一致。We differ about moral standards. 作为清教徒,他的道德和宗教观念都很严格。As a Puritan, he is strict in moral and religion. 他们正在讨论堕胎的道德性。They are discussing the morality of abortion. 她是美德的典范。She is a paragon of virtue. |