词汇 | 惊弓之鸟 |
释义 | 惊弓之鸟 辨形“鸟”,不能写作“乌”;“惊”,不能写作“警”。 辨析惊弓之鸟和“漏网之鱼”结构相同;字面意思也有相近之处。但惊弓之鸟指受到惊吓;遇事惊慌或疑神疑鬼的人;“漏网之鱼”则指逃脱的敌人和罪犯。二者一般不能换用。 辨形“鸟”,不能写作“乌”;“惊”,不能写作“警”。 辨析惊弓之鸟和“漏网之鱼”结构相同;字面意思也有相近之处。但惊弓之鸟指受到惊吓;遇事惊慌或疑神疑鬼的人;“漏网之鱼”则指逃脱的敌人和罪犯。二者一般不能换用。 法文chat échaudé craint l'eau froide 俄文пуганая ворона куста боится 德文aufgescheuchte Vǒgel erschreckt der nǎchste Pfeil im Kǒcher--vollig eingeschüchtert 魏王听了,耸肩一笑:“ 你的射箭技术竟能高超到这等地步?”更羸自信地说:“能。”不一会儿,那只大雁飞到了头顶上空。只见更羸拉弓扣弦,随着嘣地一声弦响,只见大雁先是向高处猛地一窜,随后在空中无力地扑打几下,便一头栽落下来。 魏王惊奇得半天合不拢嘴,拍掌大叫道:“啊呀,箭术竟能高超到这等地步,真是意想不到!”更羸说:“不是我的箭术高超,而是因为这只大雁身有隐伤。”魏王更奇怪了:“大雁远在天边,你怎么会知道它有隐伤呢?”更羸说:“这只大雁飞得很慢,鸣声悲凉。根据我的经验,飞得慢,是因为它体内有伤;鸣声悲,是因为它长久失群。这只孤雁疮伤未愈,惊魂不定,所以一听见尖利的弓弦响声便惊逃高飞。由于急拍双翅,用力过猛,引起旧伤迸裂,才跌落下来的。” 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 In October1907, when a panic started among trust companies in New York and terrified depositors lined up to get their money out, Schiff’s dire prediction seemed about to come true. Whether the White House could have got more from an already shell- shocked Congress remains an open question. Investors are thus unclear about how badly they may be hit. With Europeans in such a muddle over little Greece, no wonder investors are so terrified by big Italy. The only consolation to harried diplomats and their fearful interlocutors is that another leak on this scale seems unlikely. Multiple pressure, the domestic market has reached a very sensitive stage of cotton, cotton prices almost into the bow. With the coming explosion in Medicare costs, the federal budget deficit could eventually get so large that foreign investors would get spooked. Robbed of their dignity and sense of self- worth, many— even some of those who have made it to the very top— remain hypersensitive and acutely wary of the white man. Clearly this policy making high price of cotton in the early bow and accelerated the downward trend in cotton. Some say that a formal debt- restructuring system will raise the cost of borrowing and frighten skittish markets. |
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