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词汇 急转直下
释义 急转直下 jí zhuǎn zhí xià 常用成语
of the march of events etc. take a sudden turn for the better or worse繁体急轉直下近义大势所趋反义扶摇直下;相持不下正音“转”,不能读作“zuǎn”;“zhuàn”。正音“转”,不能读作“zuǎn”;“zhuàn”。谜语钻孔;立钻打孔
法文amorcer un virage serréun revirement subit et radical intervient
俄文быстро изменяться
德文sich nach einem plǒtzlichen Umschlag rasch entwickeln由于迅速而顺利地取得了辽沈战役的胜利,就使全国战局急转直下,使原来预计的战争进程大为缩短。叶剑英《伟大的战略决战》连动式:作谓语;定语;状语;形容突然转变;中性词。茅盾《子夜》十七:“伯韬!时局到底怎样,各人各有看法!也许会急转直下。”解释: 急:急速,迅疾。转:转变。直下:顺势而下。指形势或情况急剧变化,并顺势发展下去。梁启超《论各国干涉中国财政之动机》:“事变以来,急转直下,其相煎迫者未知所纪极。”
徐贵祥《历史的天空》二六章:“无论是Y国的还是中国的军人以及夫人们,都明显地感到了家宴的气氛再一次急转直下,甚至到了一燃即爆的地步,不禁暗暗地捏了一把汗。”解释: 也指顺势迅速转换话题或改变态度。巴金《春天里的秋天》三:“‘那么我们一块儿去看瑢吧!’我急转直下地说到本题。”
周而复《上海的早晨》三部一四:“他提心吊胆地听着梅佐贤和余静对谈,不料梅佐贤急转直下表示了态度,他才放下心。”近义词 阪上走丸一泄千里一反常态大势所趋迅雷不及掩耳…
反义词 扶摇直上相持不下相持不一扶摇直下渐入佳境
对拿破仑来说,他与约瑟芬离婚不久形势就急转直下了。For Napoleon the turn of the tied came soon after he divorced Josephine.当考茨基在1914年后对一战采取中间派立场并拒绝与多数派领袖决裂之后,列宁对考茨基的印象就急转直下,直到逝世。
After 1914, when Kautsky took a centrist position on the war and refused to split with the majority leadership, Lenin’s attitude became extremely negative, and remained so until the end. yeeyan

As in Gaza, stability can fast give way to lawlessness, leaving Hamas or Israel to staunch the anarchy. ecocn

Industrial activity has slumped. yeeyan

However, Toulouse struggled to maintain their level of performance in the opening half of this season, spending most of the campaign in the bottom half of the table. yeeyan

The man's girlfriend said his illness was minor at the beginning but his condition deteriorated on April9 when intubation was needed to help his breathing. ebigear

Colorado and California were among those that increased benefits in happier days, failing to consider that the market might succumb to gravity. ecocn

Things get ugly when the evil alien Talec drops onto earth in Caine's city and starts killing people with heroin so he can harvest a rare drug from their brains. yeeyan




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