词汇 | 急功近利 |
释义 | 急功近利 德文auf schnellen Erfolg aus sein 在汉武帝时期,因朝廷长期对外用兵和统治者的穷奢极欲,赋役日益苛重,致使百姓怨声载道,封建统治集团内部孕育着严重危机。汉武帝元光元年公元前134年,董仲舒提出“罢黜百家;独尊儒术”的主张。汉武帝采纳了他的主张,董仲舒也被派遣到诸侯王那里担任了国相之职。但是没过多久,董仲舒却因才遭妒,备受其他官员的排挤,后因提出“灾乱说”而被人诬陷有颠覆国家的意图,差点被处死。汉武帝念及旧情,亲自出面赦免了他。后来,汉武帝听从丞相公孙弘的一间,将其派往胶西。让他做了胶西王国相。 公孙弘与董仲舒同为儒学经师。公孙弘擅长逢迎附和,深得汉武帝的器重,被任命为丞相。董仲舒却时常不识时务,正言直谏,汉武帝对他恨头疼,所以敬而远之。公孙弘一直以来都嫉妒董仲舒的才华,这次,他找到了机会,希望可以一举铲除董仲舒。举荐,也是有计划的谋杀。 胶西王是汉武帝的兄长,依仗自己是汉室宗亲,有恃无恐,骄横暴戾。之前,朝廷派去的国相统统被他以各种罪名斩杀,无一幸免。幸运的是,因为董仲舒的声名与才学,胶西王不但没有杀他,反而十分敬重他。有一次,胶西王对董仲舒说:“勾践的贤明,加上范蠡lí;文种的才能,我认为这是越国的‘三仁’,你怎么看待这三仁呢?当初齐桓公有问题请教管仲,我的疑虑就由先生解决了。” 董仲舒回答说:“我才疏学浅,没能力决断大王的疑虑。虽然如此,大王向我提问,我不能不尽我所知回答。我听说,过去鲁国国君问柳下惠:‘我想攻打齐国,你看怎么样?’柳下惠回答说:‘不行。’他退下来满脸忧愁地说:‘我听说,阴谋侵略邻国的,不会向仁爱者讨教,这次国君为什么问我呢?’可见,柳下惠连被问都觉得羞耻,更别说参与讨伐齐国了!由此看来,越国本来就没有一个‘仁’,哪来的‘三仁’?所谓仁人,是‘正其道不谋其利,修其理不急其功’端正自己奉行的道义而不谋求眼前的小利,修养自己信奉的理念而不急于取得成果的仁。致力于以德教化民众而使社会风气大变,才是仁的最高境界,尧;舜;禹就是榜样!” 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 Mr Buffett is a quite notorious investor for the long-term, not the quick buck, so he must recognise something in those initials BYD. It is, after all, a carmaker in a hurry. From government administration to the school, parents thought seriously quick success, educational philosophy behind the lack of education makes our human glory. But for some business owners, the benefits of keeping full control outweigh the lure of a quick buck. Science lessons should be more hands-on and exploratory, according to a new report that criticises a dangerous obsession with results that has stripped science teaching of explosions and pyrotechnics. For these problems above, we think that the government should change the thought of eager for quick success first. Masaaki Shirakawa of Japan, another surplus country, advises against getting too hung up on current- account imbalances. Some of the very quick of mind! People are lured to real estate because of the quick buck that it promises. If you study the root causes of business disasters, over and over you’ll find this predisposition toward endeavors that offer immediate gratification. Often, time and budget constraints force the team to cut corners and the method which was never fully adopted falls apart completely. Their proposed way wasn't related with our education and skill development, but on the opposite: with our laziness and our desire to find a quick solution for our problems. They’ll find some way to optimize for the specific thing you’re paying them, without actually achieving the thing you really want. And we will tie executive pay to long- term performance, so that sound decisions are rewarded instead of short-term greed. Some say he has been doing too much at once, pushing unpopular reforms too quickly, and not doing enough to keep grumpy voters happy. In our instant gratification culture, we expect everything right now. We do not expect to have to work at things. The reform would end parents’ right to pick their high school, because pushy middle- class parents advance their children at the expense of others. All in all, Mr Solvik Olsen argues, the government is too ambitious and too hung up on symbolism. The ways of desire for quick success has caused the student thesis goal dislocation, strangling students' individuality, and at the same time it also annihilates students' writing interest. |
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