释义 |
怒火冲天 nù huǒ chōng tiān 常用成语 基本例句 a surge of great furyOne's fury flames to the sky.形容愤怒之极,无法抑制。繁体怒火衝天近义怒气冲天;霄反义欣喜若狂变体火衝天霎时我怒火冲天,正要破口大骂时,我听到了开门的声音。 I came very close to swearing when I heard the door open. ebigear 一个又一个研究表明,怒火冲天及产生敌对情绪会增加患心脏病几率、免疫系统衰竭,甚至还有发胖的危险。 Studies have found that high levels of anger and hostility are related to greater risks of heart disease, poor immune responses, and even a tendency to get fat. sdzikao.net |