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词汇 怒火中烧
释义 怒火中烧 nù huǒ zhōng shāo 常用成语
burn with anger or wrath繁体怒火中燒近义怒不可遏;怒气冲天;怒形于色反义欣喜若狂;心花怒放;喜气洋洋正音“中”,不能读作“zōng”。正音“中”,不能读作“zōng”。谜语气化俄文в груди кипит гнев
德文zornerfüllt这时见四个师弟非欲置自己和师父于死地,不由怒火中烧。 ★古龙《长干行》主谓式:作谓语;宾语;用于激愤;中性词。宋·王迈《臞轩集》:“虚舟相触何心在,怒火虽炎一响空。”解释: 中:内心。愤怒的火焰在内心燃烧。形容心中怀有极大的愤怒。刘斯奋《白门柳》三部三章:“看见事到临头,手下的兵校变得如此脓包,他当真怒火中烧。”
郭宝昌《大宅门》三:“关少沂怒火中烧,奔到车前一把抓住白雅萍,狠狠地把她拉下车甩出去。”近义词 怒发冲冠怒不可遏怒气冲天怒形于色怒火万丈拊膺切齿发指眦裂火冒三丈勃然大怒愤愤不平大发雷霆
反义词 喜气洋洋心花怒放欣喜若狂
他怒火中烧。He was boiling with rage.
她看得出他怒火中烧,所以避免和他争吵。She could see that his blood was up, so she avoided a quarrel.“人们有可能会因此怒火中烧,痛恨我们的做法,那将是一个可怕的失败,”弗里曼说,“不过迄今为止我们还没犯过这样严重的错误。”
“ There's a chance that people are going to be enraged by us and hate us, and it's going to be a horrible failure, ” Freeman says. “ But we haven't had any belly flops yet.” fortunechina

Undeserved bonuses, plunging share prices and government bail-outs, among other ills, have elicited the ire of the media and public—and created a bonanza for public-relations firms. ecocn

THE scene is familiar, infuriating, and usually met with resignation. Women, legs crossed in discomfort or desperation, wait in line for the lavatory while men saunter in and out of their loos. yeeyan

When the mirror replies that Snow White is the fairest, the queen is infuriated and her evaluation of herself is undermined. yeeyan

When the House of Representatives decided in favor of John Quincy Adams, Jackson thundered that he was the victim of a “ corrupt bargain” between Adams and Henry Clay. yeeyan

When we feel stressed or depressed or frustrated or angry or suicidal, we tend to not manage our emotions well because we are unable to analyze the situation that is causing this. yeeyan

Reports abound of disgraced bankers being hounded out of pubs by burned investors, or Fianna Fail candidates having dogs set on them. yeeyan

In another vignette, he portrays his pal sweeping the pieces off a chessboard in fury when he lost yet another game to Mr Allen. ecocn

Goldman's rapid recovery has generated anger around the world, at a time when millions of people have lost their jobs in the global downturn. yeeyan

They may be more irked by supplementary measures from America and its allies in Europe and Asia aimed at deterring foreign banks, insurance companies and energy firms from dealing with Iran. ecocn

Leave an inarticulate, angry comment below. yeeyan

Someone makes a snide comment; immediately you feel your anger take over. yeeyan

The cabinet and staff seemed to understand and tolerate my occasional flare-ups, and Al Gore helped me get through them. yeeyan

For the congresswoman to attempt to hijack the noble, rationalist legacy of Britain’s greatest20th- century peacetime premier for her own campaign is regurgitatively infuriating. yeeyan

And whatever measures banks take to alter the structure of their compensation plans, critics will still be inflamed by the level of pay in the industry. ecocn

So if you're working in an office boiling with dread about layoffs, furloughs, or company's health, start by altering your own mood. hjenglish

I tried to stay calm, but I was mad. yeeyan

This is overheated rhetoric, to be sure. ecocn

Like most Afghans, they seethed at the killing of civilians by NATO air strikes—though many more are killed by the Taliban’s roadside bombs. ecocn

Replays indicated the call had been a harsh one and an incensed Williams unleashed a verbal tirade and waved her racket at the line judge. yeeyan

It is still seething over the losses that it sustained in the mutiny, but a confrontation with the government is unlikely. ecocn

The captive smirked, and one of the agents cuffed him with an angry backhand. yeeyan

After all, there's nothing more frustrating than getting no response when you're angry. fortunechina

Sokaluk’s hearing came as police called for calm among the grieving communities angry that one of their own could have caused such devastation. yeeyan




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