词汇 | 怒发冲冠 |
释义 | 怒发冲冠 辨形“冲”,不能写作“忡”;“冠”,不能写作“寇”。 辨析参见“勃然大怒”。。 辨形“冲”,不能写作“忡”;“冠”,不能写作“寇”。 辨析见“勃然大怒”。 俄文волосы встают дыбом от гнева 德文sich vor Zorn die Haare raufen vor Wut kochen 赵王怕秦王有诈,不想把和氏璧送去,但又怕他派兵来犯。同大臣们商量了半天,也没有个结果。再说,也找不到一个能随机应变的使者,到秦国去交涉这件事。正在这时,有人向赵王推荐了蔺相如,说他有勇有谋,可以出使。赵王立即召见,并首先问他是否可以同意秦王要求,用和氏壁交换15座城池。蔺相如说:“秦国强,我们赵国弱,这件事不能不答应。” “秦王得到了和氏璧,却又不肯把15座城给我,那怎么办?” “秦王已经许了愿,如赵国不答应,就理亏了;而赵国如果把壁送给秦王,他却不肯交城,那就是秦王无理。两方面比较一下,宁可答应秦王的要求,让他承担不讲道理的责任。” 就这样,蔺相如带了和氏壁出使秦国。秦王得知他来后,没有按照正式的礼仪在朝廷上接见他,而是非常傲慢地在三个临时居住的宫室里召见蔺相如。他接过璧后,非常高兴,看了又看,又递给左右大臣和姬妾们传看。蔺相如见秦王如此轻蔑无礼,早已非常愤怒,现在又见他只管传看和氏璧,根本没有交付城池的意思,便上前道:“这璧上还有点小的毛病,请让我指给大王看。” 蔺相如把璧拿到手后,马上退后几步,靠近柱子站住。他极度愤怒,头发直竖,顶起帽子,激昂地说:“赵王和大臣们商量后,都认为秦国贪得无厌,想用空话骗取和氏壁,因而本不打算把璧送给秦国;听了我的意见,斋戒了五天,才派我送来。今天我到这里,大王没有在朝廷上接见我,拿到壁后竟又递给姬妾们传观,当面戏弄我,所以我把壁取了回来。大王如要威逼我,我情愿把自已的头与璧一起在柱子上撞个粉碎!”在这种情况下,秦王只得道歉,并答应斋戒五天后受璧。但蔺相如预料秦王不会交城,私下让人把壁送归赵国。秦王得知后,无可奈何,只好按照礼仪送蔺相如回国。 【注意】注意“怒发冲冠”的“冠”读guān,是一声。 反义词 A moment of wrath or a pleasure carries you on farther than many hours of calm, and often a short diversion may put a whole life to shame. The Brazilian full-back has admitted that the normally cool Spaniard blew his top at half- time in Tuscany during their UEFA Champions League clash. It has often happened that kidnappers kidnapped the wrong person and when they realized their mistake their first angry impulse was to do away with the innocent victim. But just in case, golf is preparing furiously for the post- Tiger era. More importantly, John Rae, who died in2006, would have been outraged by the implication that he was a typical“ old boy”. You bristle at the slightest hint that your work wasn't perfect- even when the hint is imagined. His hair bristledup with anger. His outburst suggests that all is not well in the FDP’s coalition with the Christian Democratic Union CDU, led by Chancellor Angela Merkel. In theory the two parties are natural partners. He bristled with anger. When I heard of cruelty to animals it makes me see red. My neighbor flew into a rage when our dog stole his newspaper. A friend you have had disagreements with may wave the red flag. Because there’s an emotional place where I have no give, and that is in is my visceral, steaming hatred of the production system that Microsoft exemplifies. Rather than getting bent out of shape, you might prefer to concentrate on your personal agenda, particularly on Sunday and Monday when the moon is in Capricorn. These data suggest that homoerotic stimuli— such as seeing two men holding hands— could send an already angry homophobic man over the top. This discrepancy had already landed America in hot water at the World Trade Organisation, thanks to a case brought by tiny Antigua, home to several online gambling sites. All of us bristled at the lawyer's speech insulting our forefathers. |
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