词汇 | 忍辱负重 |
释义 | 忍辱负重 辨形“负”,不能写作“付”。 辨析忍辱负重和“委曲求全”均有忍受屈辱;以求改变之意。但忍辱负重偏重于“负重”;即担当重任;是“忍辱”的目的;而“委曲求全”偏重于“求全”;即以求保全;是“委曲”的目的;两者目的不同。忍辱负重含有褒义;语气重;“委曲求全”有时含有贬义;语气较轻。 辨形“负”,不能写作“付”。 辨析忍辱负重和“委曲求全”均有忍受屈辱;以求改变之意。但忍辱负重偏重于“负重”;即担当重任;是“忍辱”的目的;而“委曲求全”偏重于“求全”;即以求保全;是“委曲”的目的;两者目的不同。忍辱负重含有褒义;语气重;“委曲求全”有时含有贬义;语气较轻。 歇后语骆驼挨鞭子;好马遭鞭子 法文capable de supporter les humiliations et d'assumer de grandes charges 俄文стоять на своём посту,невзирая на обиды и унижения 次年初,刘备的军队水陆并进,直抵夷陵今湖北宜昌东南,在长江南岸六七百里的山地上,设置了几十处兵营,声势十分浩大。陆逊见蜀军士气高涨,又占据有利地形,便坚守阵地,不与交锋。当时,东吴的一支军队在夷道今湖北宜昌西北被蜀军包围,要求陆逊增援。陆逊不肯出兵,并对众将说,夷道城池坚固,粮草充足,等我的计谋实现,那里自然解围。 陆逊手下的将领见主将既不攻击蜀军,又不援救夷道,以为他胆小怕战,都很气愤。众将领中有的是老将,有的是孙权的亲戚,他们不愿听从陆逊的指挥。于是陆逊召集众将议事,手按宝剑说:“刘备天下知名,连曹操都畏惧他。现在他带兵来攻,是我们的劲敌。希望诸位将军以大局为重,同心协力,共同消灭来犯敌人,上报国恩。我虽然是个书生,但主上拜我为大都督,统率军队,我当克尽职守。国家所以委屈诸位听从我的调遣,就是因为我还有可取之处,能够忍受委屈,负担重任的缘故。军令如山,违者要按军法从事,大家切勿违反!” 陆逊这一席话,把众将领都镇住了,从此再也不敢不听从他的命令了。 陆逊打定主意坚守不战,时间长达七八个月。直到蜀军疲惫不堪,他利用顺风放火,取得了最后胜利。刘备逃归白帝城,不久病死。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 Nixon : Humiliated all the more for having tried so pitifully hard. Get plank brick this matter, if stem good, call to meekly tolerate insult negative heavy. But in her state of mind, she actually thought that her dreams would just sort of happen if she sat around being miserable long enough. The more he has endured humiliation with dignity, the more he has earned respect. In the past, we suffered from humiliation in our development, now our country has become strong, we need to defend our dignity. Starfish smashing, but he won't give up frustrated, humiliation, stay in heidegger's group, pounced on toward the sea within kickback. For several decades, the efficient market hypothesis has been a workhorse for enlightened investing. If parents do not want our lives to the well- being put up with all kinds work to earn money to go home, they may bear with the situation in the home, a taste of hard work; He hard, bite the bullet character paved flat light, inoffensive life. In her speech, she asserted herself as the champion of the vulnerable: of “ those cries of silent distress, those poor broken lives, those humiliated families, ravaged by poverty and inequity.” The patience of perseverance, through a gentle and steady effort, keeps us from succumbing to doubt, discouragement and fear. For people, to endure humiliation is another moral integrity. Compared with Fantine and Sonia, they devoted their youths, sweat and toil for their family. They endured humiliation and become humble whores from pure and beautiful girls. These are real tragedy. After the unfair demand of Vietnam customer officer and a long way up to the mountain, we finally arrived at SAPA, so called town over the cloud. Under those circumstances, I had to put my pride in my pocket. Because of “ whole private ownership” give the earth humanity brought no more miserable life of humiliation, then appeared for the first time against private exploitation storm of revolution. I learned forbearance, nobility of the character, and a steady temper. |
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