词汇 | 忍气吞声 |
释义 | 忍气吞声 辨形“声”,不能写作“生”。 辨析忍气吞声和“饮泣吞声”;都表示不说什么话;勉强地忍耐着。忍气吞声偏重于“忍”;强调人忍受冤屈;多用于口语。“饮泣吞声”偏重在“饮”;指内心痛苦;不敢表达;多用于书面语。 辨形“声”,不能写作“生”。 辨析忍气吞声和“饮泣吞声”;都表示不说什么话;勉强地忍耐着。忍气吞声偏重于“忍”;强调人忍受冤屈;多用于口语。“饮泣吞声”偏重在“饮”;指内心痛苦;不敢表达;多用于书面语。 歇后语打了牙肚里咽;自己碰钉子;哑巴打哈欠;捏着鼻子吃葱 法文dévorer un affront sans dire motravaler des couleuvres 俄文подавлять гнев и сдерживать голос 德文eine Demütigung oder Beleidigung hinunterschlucken seinen Groll unterdrücken 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 Covert coping was listed as “letting thing pass without saying anything” and“ going away” despite feelings of being hard done by colleagues or bosses. After having submitted to humiliation for many years, Tom finally had it out with his boss. Northerners reluctantly acquiesced to a rotation cycle of two terms rather than the one they had foreseen in 1999. But both can probably assume that President Barack Obama will bite his tongue and continue to support them. But with a bare two- seat majority in parliament, the conservatives have been clinging to power in undignified fashion. Decades of repression have ensured that the opposition is quiescent in Egypt and virtually inaudible in Saudi Arabia. Let them know“ I'm not going to go quietly, ” says McCann. Media companies may have to swallow hard before tethering their futures to any high-tech company, let alone Apple. Mrs White would eat dirt whenever her boss got mean. If swallow, allowing the other side's humiliation, then the prestige of the country? All he could do was grin and bear it until he got a new job. He did not have a happy childhood because his mother died in childbirth and his father remarried, and living with his stepmother and her own children, he had to eat humble pie. It swallowed the haulage violation for years because the United States had organised a bail- out worth $50 billion following Mexico’s1994 currency crunch. In order not to jeopardise Mr Putin’s visit, Poland has to swallow hard when its history is traduced. For saving face Mary had to choke down the manager's insult. I'm not going to take this lying down! Some people played fair during the second round, swallowing their disappointment at “ losing” the first time and making reasonable efforts to reach an evenhanded outcome. Mr. Johnson was so much afraid of losing his job that he would eat dirt whenever the boss got mean. As things stood, what else could he do but swallow the insult? Do you endure weeks of screaming while your child is lashed willy- nilly to his cot? Many more are glued to their TV sets, watching developments as the initially defiant Indian government looks on track to eat humble pie. Yet Mr Karzai, who stands to lose whatever the Taliban gain from a settlement, has shown himself to be an unworthy interlocutor for Afghanistan’s future. Women in bad marriages usually put up with them rather than endure the hardships caused by a divorce. They may have to endure hostility from others in their new country. |
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