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词汇 德才兼备
释义 德才兼备 dé cái jiān bèi 常用成语
have both a good character and professional competence繁体惪才兼備近义德高望重;又红又专反义德薄能鲜;德薄才疏变体德才兼備;才德兼备辨形“才”,不能写作“材”。
辨析德才兼备和“品学兼优”;都含有“品德和才学都好”的意思。但德才兼备的“才”一般指工作能力和业务水平;多适用于踏上工作岗位的成年人;“品学兼优”的“学”指的是“学业”;侧重在“优”;指非常好;多用于小学学生;也可用于大学生。谜语又红又专日文才徳兼備 徳才兼備とくさいけんび;才徳兼備徳才兼備とくさいけんび
法文avoir également science et vertu
俄文сочетáние морáльных и деловых кáчеств
德文politisch und fachlich einwandfrei moralisch korrekt und fachlich qualifiziert;politisch und fachlich einwandfreimoralisch korrekt und fachlich qualifiziert陈云同志提出,我们选干部,要注意德才兼备。 ★邓小平《党和国家领导制度的改革》;李扬是个德才兼备的好老师。联合式:作定语;宾语;指有德有才;含褒义。《元史·丰臧梦解传》:“乃举梦解才德兼备,宜擢清要,以展所蕴。”;《元史 丰臧梦解传》:“乃举梦解才德兼备,宜擢清要,以展所蕴。”


近义词 品学兼优才高行洁才高意广又红又专德高望重
反义词 残渣余孽德薄才疏德薄能鲜才疏学浅
德才兼备的干部cadres who combine ability with integrity德才兼备是任何时空下选拔官员的基本准则,但“德”与“才”不是抽象的,而是具体的。
No matter when or where, equipped with virtue and talent is a basic principle on selecting official, but virtue and talent are concrete. cnki

It is a general recognition that the educational aim of universities is to forster qualified talent with both of morality and ability, but there is still distance between the target and reality. cnki

More attention to raise their game, want to rely on cultivation, not temperament and prefer, at least, having both ability and political integrity.

It is the inner motive force for promoting the Chinese durable modernization to cultivate high-class talents with character and ability. cnki

他的新副总统 Boediono,前任央行董事是一位德高望重的技术专家治国论者,尤多约诺先生储备其他德才兼备的人士,让人憧憬新内阁的诞生。
His new vice- president, Boediono, a former central-bank governor, is a well-regarded technocrat. Mr Yudhoyono has held out the prospect of a cabinet stocked with other capable honest men. ecocn

Only have the broad thought rich foundation strong adaptability and have both ability and political integrity could the students meet the demand for market economy. cnki

It is necessary to adhere to the principle of choosing personnel with both political integrity and professional competence.

Thirdly, we should have excellent maths teachers with both ability and political integrity, noble virtues, good knowledge for education theory and high professional quality in maths. cnki

This can become a good student ability and political integrity in the21st century. enwaimao

Regular legal education of law school is attached importance to training of legal specialists who have both ability and political integrity and to the course of rule of law in each country. cnki

Only in this way can we train more and more skilled personnel, who have both ability and integrity with high quality, for our country's modernization. cnki




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