

单词 bottlers
释义 bottlers ˈbɔtləz COCA⁴⁷⁷⁸⁶BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
n.灌注机;灌瓶机bottler的名词复数原型bottler的复数 The raw material is shipped to a dozen Coca- Cola- owned plants around the world, and sold to bottlers.
可乐原浆被运到世界各地的十几个可口可乐工厂,并卖给灌装厂。 yeeyan

The separation gave bottlers little incentive to take risks with new products, and left the two sides haggling over how to share sales.
将瓶装厂分离出去,使得它们对冒险尝试新产品失去了兴趣,而双方还常常要为如何分享收入拌嘴。 iciba

The bottlers add water, sugar and carbon dioxide according to a specific formula, and take care of their own selling— also according to a specific formula.
灌装厂根据某个特别的公式,放入水、糖和二氧化碳,并管理着自己的销售----也根据某个特别的公式。 yeeyan

According to various commercial bottlers, kombucha originated as a healing and digestive aid around221 B.C. in China during the Qin dynasty.
按照不同康普茶厂商的说法,康普茶起源于公元前221年中国秦王朝有强壮和助和消化功效。 yeeyan

Before2009, federal regulators did not require water bottlers to remove E. coli.
2009年以前,联邦监管机构并未要求瓶装水去除大肠杆菌。 yeeyan

Now, industrial plants lease the land above the garbage. Warehouses, boat manufacturers and methane bottlers are some of the operations underway.
现在许多工厂租下了垃圾场上方的土地。例如正在建设中的工程有仓库、造船厂和罐装沼气厂。 yeeyan

Since Coca- Cola owns stakes in many bottlers, and owns some outright, this is another way for it to diversify.
可口可乐在许多灌装企业中持有股份,其中有些还是全额控股,因此,这是另一种多样化发展的路径。 ecocn

Since the report, no major regulatory changes have been made and bottlers haven't drastically altered their procedures, so the risk is likely still there.
该报告发表以后,相关的规定并无重大改变,而生产商也未明显更改其生产流程,所以报告中提到的风险仍很有可能存在。 yeeyan

The U.S. soda market has declined for five consecutive years, prompting both Coca- Cola and PepsiCo to buy back bottlers to retain more of a shrinking profit pie.
美国苏打汽水市场已经连续5年下滑了,促使可口可乐和百事买收购灌瓶商来保持更多的正在收缩的收益。 yeeyan

The graduates' pupils, ready& waiting for instruction, are the foreign bottlers.
这些毕业生的学生们已经在等待指示了,他们就是国外的装瓶厂。 yeeyan

US Bottlers is a leader in the innovative design and manufacturing of liquid packaging machinery.
美国灌注设备公司是一家在液体罐装设备的生产和设计方面的先进企业。 pmmichina

Bottlers, who have to administer container deposits in some states, also oppose the laws.
在一些州,不得不遵守存款法律的装瓶厂也反对这项法律。 dltcedu

Bottlers don't have to let consumers know if their product becomes contaminated, but sometimes they pull their products from stores.
没有规定要求生产商应向消费者告知他们的产品受到了污染,但有时他们会从商店召回产品。 yeeyan




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