词汇 | 得过且过 |
释义 | 得过且过 辨析得过且过和“苟且偷安”;“苟且偷生”;“苟延残喘”;都有“只顾眼前;混日子”的意思。不同在于:①“苟且偷安”偏重指“贪图目前安逸”的意思;得过且过偏重指“胸无大志;工作不认真;不负责任”。②“苟且偷生”和得过且过限用于人;“苟且偷安”和“苟延残喘”则不限。 辨析得过且过和“苟且偷安”;“苟且偷生”;“苟延残喘”;都有“只顾眼前;混日子”的意思。不同在于:①“苟且偷安”偏重指“贪图目前安逸”的意思;得过且过偏重指“胸无大志;工作不认真;不负责任”。②“苟且偷生”和得过且过限用于人;“苟且偷安”和“苟延残喘”则不限。 歇后语寒号虫搬家;挨一天算一天 法文vivre au jour le jour,sans nourrir aucune ambition 俄文жить,пока живётся 德文in den Tag hinein leben nur für den Tag leben 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 “You are such a comfortable man, you see, ” said Minnie. Sum of grief and sadness, and sometimes equal and just warm. In Brussels this week euro-zone finance ministers muddled along. Revoltingly fat pay packets for OK business managers from Baltimore to Bradford aren't OK either. Most countries muddle along, turning a blind eye to those determined and rich enough to travel to Switzerland. Most people have a passive relationship with music and clothes. When you’re comfortable, you’re not challenging the world around you or even engaging with it; you’re simply blending in. The third option is to muddle through, shedding a few duds and tolerating the rest. Surveys show that Russians were basically content with the system, comfortable in the bosom of their state enterprise or state farm. It is reasonable for sceptics to argue that Mr Bush is merely clinging to existing policy until he leaves office, when a new president will have to clean up the mess he has made. Perhaps your standards have fallen, and you've stopped giving your best and care to do only enough to get paid. But some thrive, whereas others merely mark time Cleveland, Minsk, Pyongyang, go into apparently long-term decline Detroit, New Orleans, Venice or disappearTenochtitlán, Tikal, Troy. On the other hand, just muddling along is expensive, dangerous, and depressing. When facing these circumstances, you will be complaining, drifting along, Or ignoring the hardships, and beginning to fight? He doesn't have any beliefs; he just takes one day at a time. They would muddle on in the old slipshod way of trusting to chance. I don’t think contentment is much of a virtue— it’s more of a guise for mediocrity. To improve the execution, must establish intense responsibility consciousness and the enterprising spirit, overcome stoutly unambitious, muddle along mentality. Because we're short of money, we have to pull out of the project. And it bodes ill for financial markets, since neither Europe's sticking- plaster approach to the euro nor America's“ jam today, God knows what tomorrow” tactic with the deficit are sustainable. Letting it be is not drifting along, but temporizing. Often portrayed as longstanding engineering wisdom, “ If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It” posture only promotes complacency. |
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