

单词 bottler
释义 bot·tler AHDˈbäd.ᵊlər,ˈbätl- ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁷⁰¹³iWeb³⁵⁵⁴⁸Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

a manufacturer that makes and bottles beverages
用作名词But the education of thebottlerand his staff had only just begun.但是对灌装厂以及其工作人员的教育才刚刚开始。
Lane Affiliated Companies is the eighth largest Pepsibottlerin the United States.巷集团公司是美国第八大百事可乐装瓶商。 The bottler even installed a remote opener on the door of Ndlovu's drink cooler so the attendant, behind a small window, could open it when a customer rang a small chime.
灌瓶商在 Ndlovu的饮料冰箱门上装了个小开瓶器,顾客敲了小钟后,小窗户后的服务人员能打开瓶子。 yeeyan

To share credit information of credit customer with bottler.

“That's one of the challenges in this market, ” says Billy Tom, a district manager for bottler South African Breweries. “ You want the pipeline to be full all the time.”
Billy Tom南非啤酒灌装厂的地区经理说,“在市场里,这是一个挑战”,“你想要管道都是满的。” yeeyan

But the education of the bottler and his staff had only just begun.
但是对灌装厂以及其工作人员的教育才刚刚开始。 yeeyan

In Coke's plants they are refilled as many as 70 times each before they're recycled, depending how far the bottler chooses to stretch the glass.
在可乐基地,玻璃瓶回收前,将被反复再次充满达70次,这取决于瓶装商的选择。 yeeyan

Last year the local bottler blanketed streets with drink coolers and Coke signage.
去年,地方的瓶装商用饮料冰箱和可乐招牌包裹着街道。 yeeyan

Njeri and the bottler also get more precise sales data, which are easier to mine for trends and places to cut costs.
Njeri和灌装商也获得了更精确地销售数据,这对于消减成本更简单。 yeeyan

Now, however, Coca- Cola has decided to follow Pepsi’s lead by acquiring its main bottler— a move Ms Nooyi describes as “vindication”.
但是,可口可乐现在已经决定走百事道路,收购其主要灌装商。这一行动被诺伊女生称之为“沉冤得雪”。 ecocn

The international corporate presence includes PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte, and PepsicoPEP, via the bottler JSC Iberia Refreshments.
不仅如此,许多国际知名公司,包括普华永道、德勤、百事可乐装瓶公司都在此设立了分支机构。 yeeyan

Things got worse when the Coke bottler painted a nearby wall red and the owner demanded payment from Coke.
事情变得更糟,当可口可乐把附近的一面墙涂成了红色,墙的主人要求可口可乐公司赔偿。 yeeyan

To keep the coolers full, the bottler extended credit to merchants who didn't have the capital to take on inventory, giving them seven days to pay.
为了保持冰箱一直满着,灌装商对没有资金来接纳库存的商人延长信用,给他们7天时间来支付金钱。 yeeyan




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