词汇 | 得心应手 |
释义 | 得心应手 辨析一得心应手和“随心所欲”;都表示“心里怎么想;就怎么做出来”的意思;有时都可表示做事“顺手”。不同在于:①同样表示“做事十分顺当;”得心应手表示“顺心;顺手”;“随心所欲”仅表示“顺心”。②得心应手是褒义成语;常形容技艺熟练;“随心所欲”是中性成语;常用来表示随着自己的心意说话;思维活动的意思。 二得心应手和“浑洒自如”都形容技艺纯熟。但得心应手范围广;可指一切技艺方面;“挥洒自如”侧重在善于运用笔墨;一般指书画和写文章方面。 辨析一得心应手和“随心所欲”;都表示“心里怎么想;就怎么做出来”的意思;有时都可表示做事“顺手”。不同在于:①同样表示“做事十分顺当;”得心应手表示“顺心;顺手”;“随心所欲”仅表示“顺心”。②得心应手是褒义成语;常形容技艺熟练;“随心所欲”是中性成语;常用来表示随着自己的心意说话;思维活动的意思。二得心应手和“浑洒自如”都形容技艺纯熟。但得心应手范围广;可指一切技艺方面;“挥洒自如”侧重在善于运用笔墨;一般指书画和写文章方面。 歇后语鲁班手里调大斧;要甜的拿糖罐,要酸的拿醋坛 法文l'expression répond à l'inspirationfacilité,art consommé d'un artiste 俄文выполнять умéло и удáчно 德文in etwas sehr gewandt sein sehr handlich 师文学了三年,柱指钧弦,却弹不出一首完整的曲子。师襄无奈地说:“你可以回家去了。”师文扔掉琴,叹息道:“我不是不会指法,也不是不能完整地弹一首曲子。而是我心不在琴弦上,心里也没有音乐。由于内心找不到音乐的感受,所以手指就不能和琴弦相配合了。你再给我一些时间,让我找一找音乐的感受。” 过了不久,师文回来见师襄。师襄说:“你的琴炼得如何?”师文告诉他:“我已找到音乐的感受,请听我弹一曲。” 当春天时叩击商弦弹南吕调,凉风突起,草木都结出了果实。秋天时叩击角弦弹夹钟调,和风徐徐地吹起,花草树木都开花发芽了。夏天时叩击羽弦弹黄钟调,霜雪交下,河塘里都结冰了。冬天时叩击徵弦弹蕤宾调,阳光变得炽热,厚厚的冰块一下就融化了。一曲将终时,则以宫弦为主与其它四弦一并奏起,这时吹来了和丽的风,天空中漂着吉祥的云朵,降下了甘露,地下涌出了清清的泉水。 师襄抚心高蹈说:“你的弹奏真是妙啊!即使师旷之清角,邹衍之吹律,也比不上你。我得挟琴执管向你学琴了。” 【注意】❶注意“得心应手”的“应”读yìng,是四声。❷含褒义。 反义词 But he is a Swiss banker more at home in Zurich, London and New York. But they have to face the fact that, in making this choice, their skills might become obsolete and their wages, when they re-enter the workforce, will wind up reflecting their out- of-date proficiency. Once you get comfortable/span> with the SQL standard syntax, I'm confident you will find value in DB2's expressiveness, even if it means typing a few more lines. For starters, choose fields of endeavor where you feel comfortable and competent. And we were pretty good at software. Expansionary monetary policy is the only instrument available to the authorities that will both boost the US economy and correct its external imbalance. Lewin’s technology managed the spike handily; websites that otherwise might have crashed under the strain continued to offer details about loved ones, rescue efforts, and what went so terribly wrong. But these chopping tools are marvellous and quick at getting the meat off the bone and then, with one sharp blow, I could break the bone and we'd be able to get to the marrow. In fact, some literacy experts say that online reading skills will help children fare better when they begin looking for digital- age jobs. The better I get at filtering and managing my email, the more convinced I am that email overload may be an intractable problem. So we have a number of good teachers, but teachers who have not majored in the areas they are teaching, which handicaps them and handicaps the students. He found he enjoyed studying, and was rather good at it. He is quick to note that sectarian violence predates all other types of terrorism in Pakistan, making it an effective and easy tool for present day extremists to exploit. Hopefully, they’ll serve as some inspiration for your professional work, but also as a reminder that it’s always good to get out of your comfort zone and try out something new every once in a while. But now I am more comfortable with my tools, and I can do one in a couple weeks. They are much more proficient with technology than prior generations since they use it for all their school work, communication and entertainment. The proposition has a chance of winning mainly because Californians have become rather relaxed about weed. Having debugging tools, profiling tools, probes, and heart-ping- monitoring messages as an integral part of the libraries is handy. What seems new to me is that Ms. Obama appears more comfortable juggling multiple roles in public, compared with past First Ladies. This is a handy feature for two reasons. This would be very handy for me. Coming up with an“ integrated idea” is also handy when Ogilvy presents a new campaign to a company boss. This goes together with planning: you turn a big and hairy project into a set of small furry balls you can always keep under control. The photos may not come out the best with compact digital cameras, but you should be familiar with your equipment no matter what. While they do a great job when working with regular data types, they are not very efficient when dealing with binary data, for example images or documents. “ It's used to bargain in a marketplace or in a store but also to recruit someone for a job, or to negotiate a higher salary,” Dr. Montague said. |
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