词汇 | 得不偿失 |
释义 | 得不偿失 歇后语八五炮打蚊子;捉了虱子跑了牛;偷鸡没成丢把米 法文les gains ne compensent pas les pertesle jeu n'en vaut pas la chandelle 俄文игрá не стóит свеч 德文der Gewinn kann den Verlust nicht decken mehr verlieren als gewinnen 反义词 Some inside the IMF think that devaluation is inevitable. But other economists reckon the damage to credibility would outweigh the gain to competitiveness. The gain is outweighed by the loss. Success can be only one ingredient in happiness, and is too dearly purchased if all the other ingredients have been sacrificed to obtain. But use undeserved not only adsense, on even the site also may drop right which they loss outweighs the gain. But they are Pyrrhic. Chief executives are asking whether a legal victory that found the tax to be unconstitutional would be worth the backlash, the attorney said. Gretchen's unexpected win over the tournament's top player proved a Pyrrhic victory; in the effort, she re injured her shoulder. The aid didn't bring the political economic effects as the Americans expected and instead resulted in unexpected failure. On the other hand, numerous Chinese steel mills all want to buy ore to sustain production for their governments to report higher GDP, even though the GDP is money losing. Further, even a small Apache instance may be excessive compared to the return. Ray Orbach, the head of America's Office of Science, gave a warning last month that, although he supports the project, it is too expensive to build rapidly. The moral of the short story is that crime doesn't pay. ETA's main problem, however, remains its increasing irrelevance. While sharp words can be an effective call for attention, perceived selfishness is a huge turn- off. Iraq’s democracy, they said, was not worth much unless their elected representatives worked harder. A too- strict eating plan will backfire. It is two- faced to claim to care about the future and then fail to ensure that the country is adequately compensated for the depletion of its resources, or ignore the degradation of the environment. Getting the word out about your company-- without going broke-- is no mean feat. The evidence is mounting that they do not. Campaigning to push power to Brussels, so that decision-making becomes even more remote from ordinary voters, seems foolhardy in the current anti- political climate. Comments are a great example of something that seems like a Good Thing, but turn out to cause more harm than good. Often the end result is a wash in terms of schedule advantage or, worse, a net schedule loss. The feeling is the opportunity Donald claimed all the senses, the more want a moment of tranquility is often wasted. |
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