

单词 bottled up
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Bottled Up InsideScoring Assault points on the first round is helpful, but it's often even more beneficial to dictate to your opponent where she can move.

Amid the anger, there was still a sense of excitement and exuberance, as it seems the nation was releasing frustrations that have been bottled up for decades.
在这种愤怒的氛围中,我却能可以感受到人们的激动和热情,好像整个国家都在释放几十年来积累的不快。 yeeyan

If you keep what you're feeling bottled up inside, you will not be able to start your healing process.
如果你还是把自己的感受憋在心里,你将不能开始你的治愈过程。 blog.sina.com.cn

They picked him up to find out what he knew, but he had it all bottled up.
他们拘留了他,想查明他了解什么情况,但他却守口如瓶。 http://dj.iciba.com

This, it said, led to problems becoming bottled up and eventually erupting in violence.
它表示,这导致问题日积月累最终以暴力的形式爆发出来。 yeeyan

Traffic was bottled up in the tunnel.
隧道里交通拥塞不堪。 iciba




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