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词汇 当家作主
释义 当家作主 dāng jiā zuò zhǔ ☆☆☆☆☆i.习用语⁰·⁰⁰⁰⁸ᴾᵃ¹²²¹⁸常用成语
wear the breeches繁体當家作主近义当家做主;当家理纪辨形“作”,不能写作“做”。辨形“作”,不能写作“做”。谜语成家日文主人虥しゅじんこうになる
法文devenir le maǐtre
俄文вершить делáми своéй страны
德文Herr im eigenen Haus sein沙汀《风浪》:“申大嫂可以说是全家真正当家作主的人,申大哥也事事听她安排。”联合式:作谓语;宾语;定语;指处于主人翁地位;中性词。阿凤《夜景》:“看到自己的名字,端端正正写在那选民名单上时,一个公民当家做主的光荣感,会涌上心头的。”记住,你现在当家作主了,要大胆说话,有什么想法就告诉我们。Remember you are one of the masters now, so speak up and tell us what you think.博客以及新闻类网站对红菜汤当家作主言辞激烈的批评帖子和文章自然也会被和谐。
Blogs and news websites are scrubbed of postings or articles that are overly critical of the Communist leadership. yeeyan

Even if protests fizzle for the time being, a certain pride of reclaiming possession was vividly in evidence. ecocn

It is the Libyan people who is responsible for administering power. hjenglish

例如,在莫桑比克, IDA资金正被用来追踪进展、监督工作、帮助政府“将项目推动的方法转变为国家自己当家作主的方案,”他说。
In Mozambique, for instance, IDA financing is being used to track progress, supervise efforts, and to help the government“ move from a project- driven approach to a nationally owned program,” he says. worldbank

The Bank is willing to support a country’s agenda, if we think the policies are sound, workable, and are truly owned by the government and its citizens. worldbank

We have expanded orderly public participation in political affairs, and the people are extensively involved in decision making. hxen

We fully respect their life style and their wish to be the masters of our country. putclub

Our people's right to run the country is better protected as we are promoting socialist democracy. Political reform is deepening. hjenglish

Private democracy is included in the scope of private rights. Democracy means each one has the right of being the master of the country. catcmsc

恩菲尔德占领事件染上了一抹革命的色彩——“不需要政客,不需要老板,工人当家作主,” 占据着电视和网络新闻最显眼的地方。
The Enfield occupation acquired a revolutionary tinge: “ Don't Need Politicians, Don't Need Bosses, Workers Take Control, ” read one placard prominent in the TV and web coverage. yeeyan

AsBritain's former colonial subjects come back as masters, there is barely a whiff of post- imperial regret. renren




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