词汇 | 当务之急 |
释义 | 当务之急 辨析当务之急和“燃眉之急”;都指马上要办的事情。不同在于:当务之急偏重在“当务”;强调是当前最急需做的事;“燃眉之急”偏重在“燃眉”;形容事情着急的程度;强调事情之急如火烧眉毛。 辨析当务之急和“燃眉之急”;都指马上要办的事情。不同在于:当务之急偏重在“当务”;强调是当前最急需做的事;“燃眉之急”偏重在“燃眉”;形容事情着急的程度;强调事情之急如火烧眉毛。 法文affaire des plus urgentes 俄文неотлóжная задáча 德文eine aktuelle,dringliche Angelegenheit 孟子回答说:“有智慧的人无所不知,但要知道当前应该做的事中最急需要办的事,而不要面面俱到。比如仁德是人们无所不爱的,但应先爱亲人和贤者。又比如古代的圣主尧和舜,尚且不能认识所有的事物,因为他们必须急于抽当前最重要的事情。尧舜的仁德也不是爱一切人,因为他们急于爱的是亲人和贤人。” 接着,孟子又从反面来回答这个问题:“父母死了,不去服三年的丧期,却对服三个月;五个月丧期的礼节很讲究;在长者面前用餐没有礼貌地狼吞虎咽,咕哆咕哆地喝汤,却去讲什么不能用牙齿咬断干肉等等,这就是舍本逐末,不知道当前最需要知道和干的是什么。” 反义词 It is imperative that the U. S. military develop its competence in economics. Action to remove barriers to trade and investment that hurt poor people in developing countries is becoming increasingly urgent. When trying to meet someone new, it is imperative that you let go of your preconceived notions about who the perfect partner is. Opposition parties say that crime should become a national priority for the authorities. ADDRESSING global imbalances should certainly be the top global policy priority, but it is not going to be easy. If your priority is to prevent further victimization, you might want to shift your gaze to the older brother. He heard about the urgent need to manage the country's water resources and he heard from village women who were now organized in development committees, changing their lives. Besides, he pointed out, the priority was prevention of another crisis. And they conclude that greater social equality must be the new political and economic imperative for a safer and more secure world. When Google GOOG, Fortune500 disclosed in January that Page would take the reins, the company's co- founder said it would be his top priority as CEO to clarify Google's focus areas. That makes it imperative for the UN to provide both transport and attack helicopters for its expanded force. At the EU’s insistence, the peripherals’ priority is to slash their budget deficits regardless of the consequences on growth. IN A world worried about global warming, improving the cleanliness and efficiency of jet engines is a priority for airlines and aircraft manufacturers. The effort has been deemed a foreign policy priority of the Obama administration. |
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