释义 |
强盗 qiáng dào ★☆☆☆☆n.名词⁰·⁰⁰¹³ᴾᵃ⁸³¹¹ 基本例句 banditrobberyeggheisterhijackerhighjackerhousebreakerriflerstickupladronehoodlumkondoyeggmanravenerbanditigentleman of the roadbrigandrapparee繁体強盜那强盗厉声叫道:`不许动,不然就打死你。'One false move and you're a dead man, ' snarled the robber. 那强盗以刀刺穿了那旅客的胸部。The robber thrust his sword through the traveler's bosom. 昨晚他们被强盗洗劫一空。Last night, they were cleaned out by robbers. 他们密切注意那个强盗。They kept a wary eye on the robber. 强盗们在警察到来之前逃走了。The robbers escaped before the police arrived. 一群强盗抢劫了火车。A band of robbers held up the train. |