词汇 | 强弩之末 |
释义 | 强弩之末 辨形“末”,不能写作“未”。 辨形“末”,不能写作“未”。 大行官职王恢是燕地人,多次出任边郡官吏,熟悉了解匈奴的情况。他建议说,汉朝和匈奴和亲,大抵都过不了几年匈奴就又背弃盟约。不如不答应,而发兵攻打他。韩安国说:“派军队行军千里作战,对军队不利。而且现在匈奴依仗军马的充足,怀着禽兽般的心肠,如同群鸟飞翔般迁移,很难控制他们。我们得到它的土地也不值得把这当作扩大国土,拥有了他的百姓也不值得把这当作强大,从上古起他们就不真心归附汉人。汉军到几千里以外去争夺利益,那就会人马疲惫,敌人凭借养精蓄力利用汉军的疲劳而取胜就会凭借全面的优势对付我们的弱点。况且就算是强劲的弓弩到了最后就连鲁地所产的最薄的白绢也射不穿;猛烈的风到了最后,连飘起雁毛的力量都没有了,并不是他们开始时力量不强,而是到了最后,力量衰竭了。所以发兵攻打匈奴实在是很不利的,不如跟他们和亲。”参加议论的群臣多数附合韩安国,于是皇上便同意与匈奴和亲。 反义词 But Kidd is33 and exiting his prime, and Carter can opt out of his contract after this season. Now those strategies are hitting their limit as the stockpiles run down. The latter is almost a spent force. Mr. Huang’s contribution focuses on Mr. Wen and is titled“A Spent Arrow, ” from a Chinese saying about how even the strongest arrow must eventually fall from the sky. Despite these heavy losses, China continued to fight as the over extended Japanese slowly began to retreat. The economic story is about similar high stakes and there's a sense the authorities are all in and the policy levers are more or less tapped out. However, though they knew they would come to perish soon, the Japanese army still refused to surrender and kept fighting with their last strength, dreaming one day they would conquer the world. But his doctors admit it's a long shot. They are not yet a spent force, but time is running out for them very quickly. Consumers are not the spent force they are elsewhere so there ought to be some pent-up demand. Because of the tiredness of travel and the maladjustment of the different area, now I'm a spent bullet! The enemy on the right flank is now like a spent arrow and no longer a threat to our position. We have been a spent bullet for the love. |
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