释义 |
张灯结彩 zhāng dēng jié cǎi 常用成语 基本辨析辨析其它语言例句语法情感出处详细解释近义反义例句例句 be decorated with lanterns and colored banners繁体張燈結彩近义披红戴绿反义披麻戴孝变体張燈結綵正音“结”,不能读作“jiē”。 辨形“彩”,不能写作“采”。正音“结”,不能读作“jiē”。 辨形“彩”,不能写作“采”。日文提灯ちょうちんをつるし,色絹を飾かざりつける 俄文вешать фанори и украшения国庆节期间,广场上张灯结彩,好不热闹。联合式:作谓语;状语;指喜庆气氛;含褒义。明 罗贯中《三国演义》第69回:“告谕城内居民,尽张灯结彩,庆赏佳节。”解释: 张:陈设。结:结扎,系。彩:彩带。张挂灯笼,结上彩带。形容节日或喜庆时的繁华热闹景象。明·罗贯中《三国演义》六九回:“告谕城内居民,尽张灯结彩,庆赏佳节。” 清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》五三回:“早又元宵将近,宁荣二府皆张灯结彩。” 巴金《秋》二六:“初六日下午觉新到郑家去。他也没有见到国光。但是他看见了郑家张灯结彩的情形。” 欧阳山《三家巷》二百:“到了十一月四号那一天,何家张灯结彩,焕然一新。” 清·李绿园《歧路灯》七七回:“到明日扎彩台子,院里签棚,张灯挂彩,都是你老满的事。” 唐浩明《曾国藩》三部二章:“余下的人便依次跟在乔松年的后面,走过跳板上了岸,进了张灯挂彩的接官厅。” 清·曾朴《孽海花》三三回:“到了结婚那一天,家中挂灯结彩,小番女打着铜鼓,吹着口琴,当做音乐。” 明·清溪道人《禅真逸史》五回:“寺里寺外都悬灯结彩,哄动了满城士女,哪一个不来妙相寺里看船灯。” 高云览《小城春秋》三三章:“他觉得家乡父老,没有搭牌楼,悬灯结彩欢迎他一番,是大大不应该的。” 清·吴炽昌《客窗闲话·陬邑官亲》:“至公馆内,两旁松柏阴森,更觉沉静古穆,并无结彩悬灯;耀目增光之物。”近义词 火树银花灯火辉煌披红戴绿 反义词 披麻戴孝 现在该在礼堂为新年张灯结彩了。It's time we put up the New Year decorations in the hall. 张灯结彩的圣诞树。Christmas trees aglow with coloured lights1995年5月18日,篁园路上中国小商品城内外张灯结彩,人群熙攘。 On May18,1995 the China Commodity City on Huangyuan Road was decorated brightly and crowded. ywnews 春节期间城里到处张灯结彩。 Decorations are hanging up everywhere in the city on Spring Festival. iciba 街头到处张灯结彩,锣鼓喧天。 The streets were all decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the place reechoed with the sound of gongs and drums.《新英汉大辞典》 今天是大年初一,外面张灯结彩、普天同庆,热闹极了! Today is New Year's Day, the outside decorated, celebrate, extremely busy!9juan 你知道吗,有时候我去参加八年级初中毕业典礼,那里张灯结彩、花团锦簇、学生一个个礼服盛装。 You know, sometimes I’ll go to an eighth- grade graduation and there’s all that pomp and circumstance and gowns and flowers. iciba 人们张灯结彩,购买圣诞树和礼物,小孩子们纷纷拿起笔来给圣诞老人写信。 They string up the lights, buy a tree, exchange presents, and their children write to Santa Claus. runsky 圣诞节前夕,家家户户张灯结彩,充满佳节的热闹气氛。 At Christmas Eve, every family decorated their houses with lanterns and streamers and it was very festive everywhere. huanqiu 学校门口张灯结彩,大红的灯笼,彩色的条幅,管乐队正迎着太阳演奏。 The school gate decorations, bright red lantern, colored banners, wind band is playing against the SUNS. cw2001 街道上处处张灯结彩,十分热闹,家家户户贴着“倒福”、挂着灯笼。 On streets everywhere, decorated, very lively, and every household close to the“ down- fu”, hanging lanterns. gotofob.cn |