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词汇 both ends
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And with a robust offering of content-rich tablets at both ends of the market, tablets could become a device as ubiquitous in homes as the TV is today.
另外,随着市场高低两端主打内容的平板电脑越来越多,总有一天,平板电脑在家庭中会像今天的电视一样普遍。 fortunechina

As great as Bryant is, he can no longer match the physical force that is Wade on both ends of the floor.
一个像科比这样伟大的球员,他再也不能像韦德这样在攻防两端打出侵略性了。 yeeyan

He’s had to carry a huge burden on both ends as injuries have decimated Denver’s front line, and he’s leading the league in field-goal percentagenearly 63 percent.
随着伤病一次次摧毁掘金的前锋线,巴西人在攻防两端承担了更多的责任,而且还能以63%的命中率领跑联盟。 yeeyan

An Israeli intelligence report in 1980 described the king as“ a man trapped on a bridge burning at both ends, with crocodiles in the river beneath him”.
1980年的一份以色列情报书将约旦国王描述为“一个被困于桥中央的人,桥的两端是熊熊燃烧的大火,而桥下的河水中则是饥不择食的鳄鱼群”。 ecocn

Christmas Cracker is a cardboard paper tube, wrapped in brightly coloured paper and twisted at both ends.
圣诞拉炮是用硬纸板做的纸筒,再用色彩鲜艳的彩纸包裹在外面,两端拧紧。 cri

Data transfer and type conversions happen on both ends of the request processing cycle.
数据传输和类型转换在请求处理循环的两端发生。 ibm

He was rusty on both ends of the court.
在球场两端他像生锈了一样。 yeeyan

His jet needed no propellers. It was a tube, open at both ends.
他的喷气流不需要螺旋桨,而是由一个两端开口的管子来实现。 yeeyan

In fact, the real ORB vendor business objective was to sell their solutions at both ends of the distributive computing application: requestor and provider nodes.
事实上,真正的 ORB厂商的商业目的是能在分布式计算应用程序的两端同时出售其解决方案:请求者和提供者节点。 ibm

It's a simple, battery- operated hour glass-shaped plastic shell with LED lights on both ends.
它使用电池,有一个简单的、滴漏状的塑料外壳,两端都装有 LED灯。 fortunechina

Making use of this feature requires that both ends of the connection have SSL configured, which involves generating a pair of keys and a digital certificate.
要使用这个特性,需要在连接的两端都配置 SSL,其中包括生成一对密钥和一个数字证书。 ibm

Once both ends of the conversation are on the Net, connection fees will become relics of the early modern age.
一旦通话的两端都在互联网上,连接费就会成为现代时期的早期遗迹。 yeeyan

One ground station can serve several approaches for both ends of the runway thereby creating a cost-effective solution.

The major difference between a typical B2B project and a typical online store project is the need for integration on both ends.
典型的 B2B项目与典型的在线商店项目之间最主要的区别在于, B2B项目需要两端都进行集成。 ibm

The distressed bird is still managing to fly even though the bolt, of which both ends are visible, pierced it between the eyes.
这只痛苦的小鸟依然想尝试着飞起来,尽管那只箭的两端依然清晰可见,这只箭是横穿在眼睛之间的。 cri

This can be terrible news for those at both ends of the age spectrum.
对于那些在年龄谱两端的人来说,这可是可怕的消息。 yeeyan

This consists of a superconducting niobium conducting path that is configured with strongly reflective“ mirrors” for microwaves at both ends.
这套系统内含一个超导铌通路两端配置了强烈反射微波的“镜子”。 yeeyan

To get these boards, both ends had to be pulled, so the chimpanzee had to go get their partner, waiting in an adjoining room.
为得到这些木板,需要两端同时拉,因此黑猩猩不得不向呆在临间的伙伴求救。 yeeyan

Until then, Adelman may need some time to figure out his playing rotations to balance his needs on both ends of the floor.
到这个时候,阿德尔曼可能需要时间来制定出他的比赛轮转方案来平衡赛场两端的需要。 yeeyan

XML message packaging and parsing brings extra overhead to both ends.
XML消息的打包和解析会在两端都带来额外的开销。 ibm




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