词汇 | 引狼入室 |
释义 | 引狼入室 辨形“狼”,不能写作“狠”。 辨析参见“开门揖盗”。。 辨形“狼”,不能写作“狠”。 辨析见“开门揖盗”。 歇后语牵着张三回家 法文introduire le loup dans la bergerie,dans la maison 俄文пустить волка к себе в дом 德文den Wolf ins Haus bitten einen Wolf zum Hirten machen 有一天,牧羊人有事要进城去,就把羊群托狼看管,狼答应了。狼估计牧羊人已经进城了,就冲着山林中大声嚎叫了几声。它的嚎叫声引来了许许多多;大大小小的狼。那群羊全被狼吃掉了。 牧羊人不了解狼的本性,才被狼的伪善欺骗了。成语“引狼入室”比喻把坏人引进内部。 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 The Kevin's do lead the wolf into the house. It's like trusting a wolf to watch over sheep. I know I'll set a fox to keep the geese if I take him for a good friend. Asking for his help means setting the wolf the keep the sheep. Inviting terrorists to take part in the talks has created a hostage to fortune. People who announce their holiday plans on Twitter and Facebook are putting themselves at risk of being burgled, according to a new study, the Daily Mail of London reported. Tadatoki helpless, please come to counter- insurgency Gaochang soldiers, surprise, surprise it is asking for trouble. |
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