词汇 | 弄巧成拙 |
释义 | 弄巧成拙 辨形“拙”,不能写作“绌”;“茁”。 辨析参见“画蛇添足”。。 辨形“拙”,不能写作“绌”;“茁”。 辨析见“画蛇添足”。 歇后语画虎不成反类狗;袍子改袄 法文en voulant faire parade de son habileté 俄文перемудритьсамого себя сажáть в галошу 德文klug sein wollen,sich aber als Narr erweisen das Opfer seiner eigenen Klugheit werden 孙知微走后,弟子们围住画,反复观看老师用笔的技巧和总体构图的高妙,互相交流心得。 有人说:“你看那水暖星君的神态多么逼真,长髯飘洒,不怒而威。” 还有的说:“菩萨脚下的祥云综绕,真正的神姿仙态,让人肃然起敬。” 其中有一个叫童仁益的弟子,平时专门卖弄小聪明,喜欢哗众取宠,只有他一个人装模作样地一言不发。 有人问他:“你为什么不说话,莫非这幅画有什么缺欠?” 童仁益故作高深地说:“水暖星君身边的重子神态很传神,只是他手中的水晶瓶好像少了点东西。” 众弟子说:“没发现少什么呀。” 童仁益说:“老师每次画瓶子,总要在瓶中画一枝鲜花,可这次却没有。也许是急于出门,来不及画好,我们还是画好了再着色吧。” 童仁益说着,用心在瓶口画了一枝艳丽的红莲花。 孙知微从朋友家回来,发现重子手中的瓶子生出一朵莲花,又气又笑地说:“这是谁干的蠢事,若仅仅是画蛇添足倒还罢了,这简直是弄巧成拙嘛。童子手中的瓶子,是水暖星君用来降服水怪的镇妖瓶,你们给添上莲花,把宝瓶变成了普通装花的瓶,岂不成了天大笑话。”说着,把画撕个粉碎。 众弟子看着童仁益,默默低头不语。 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 For now, however, much of China's recent bluster turned out to be self- defeating. As we soon discovered, though, most people can't carry it off. But higher rates could attract more hot money, which would be partly self-defeating. But experience has shown that to seek to impose them by confrontation is likely to be self-defeating— especially in a country with such a historical vision of itself as China. But this collectively huge fiscal contraction is self- defeating. By driving enfeebled economies into recession it only increases worries about both government debts and European bankssee article. But, on the other hand, a sharp fiscal consolidation focused on the very near term could be self-defeating if it were to undercut the still- fragile recovery. However, this strategy risks being self-defeating. Talking to your doctor about your pain might therefore be self- defeating claims the researchers at Jena University in Germany as it stimulates a part of the brain known as the “ pain matrix”. The US is the only country in the hemisphere to not have diplomatic ties with Havana, a position many critics consider anachronistic and self-defeating. Yet the current policy is self-defeating too. Perceiving myself in a blunder, I attempted to correct it. Tip3: Don't use variable names that will mock you. I wasn’t on the ballot; it was both unfair and self-defeating for voters to blame them for my personal mistakes. One is a reasonable response to a challenging market. The other is a self- defeating trade- off. It also avoids too-clever-by-half trigger mechanisms and the opposite pitfall of a laborious legal process. This urge to shore up wealth is self-defeating in aggregate, as it curbs spending and incomes. And nature is telling us that our current economic model is dangerous and self-defeating. This is unfortunately rather self-defeating. Champagne is a better bet, but choose a less acidic one, lest exotic Kama Sutra-style acts cause indigestion. |
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