词汇 | 开天辟地 |
释义 | 开天辟地 辨形“辟”,不能写作“劈”。 辨形“辟”,不能写作“劈”。 歇后语盘古王耍板斧 俄文сотворение мирабеспримерный 德文den Himmel von der Erde trennen seit dem Beginn der Geschichte 过了一万八千年,盘古在这浑圆的东西中孕育成熟了。他发现眼前漆黑一团,非常生气,就用自己制造的斧子劈开了这混混沌沌的圆东西。随着一声巨响,圆东西里的混沌,轻而清的阳气上升,变成了高高的蓝天,重而浊的阴气下沉,变成了广阔的大地。从此,宇宙间就有了天地之分。 盘古出世后,头顶蓝天,脚踏大地,挺立在天地之间。以后,天每日增高一丈,地每日增厚一丈,盘古也每日长高一丈。这样又经过一万八千年,天高得不能再高,地深得不能再深,盘古自己也变成了九万里长的顶天立地的巨人,像一根柱子一样撑着天和地,使它们不再变成过去的混沌状态。 盘古开天辟地后,天地间只有他一个人。因为天地是他开辟出来的,所以他的情绪有什么变化,天地也跟着发生不同的变化。他高兴的时候,天空晴朗;他发怒的时候,天空阴沉;他哭泣的时候,天空下雨,落到地上汇成江河湖海;他叹气的时候,大地上刮起狂风,他眨眨眼睛,天空出现闪电;他发出鼾han声,空中响起隆隆的雷鸣声。 不知经过多少年,盘古还是死了,躺倒在地上。他的头部隆起,成为东岳泰山;他的脚朝天,成为西岳华山;他的肚子高挺,成为中岳嵩山;他的两个肩胛,一个成为南岳衡山,另一个成为北岳恒山。至于他的头发和汗毛,全变成了树木和花草。后来,才有了传说中的远古帝王——三皇,即天皇;地皇和人皇。 It is a metaphor, meaning that one has something with him, but he tries to find it somewhere else. The classification of accomplices in the New Criminal Code of the Qing Dynasty is an unprecedented choice in the history of Chinese criminal law. That has been true since the world began. Compare' The Beginning of the World' and another story of how the world was created. Changzhou has a long history, prehistoric epoch-making Pangu legend and one of the town from Cangzhou Qingxian plate. Regardless of what now happens in Assange's personal life, Daniel thinks that his work should be remembered as groundbreaking and for the greater good. But contrary to the villagers’ advertising, it is hardly path-breaking. Peasants have been legally trading land- use rights for years. However, I am sure that there are many among us who have much higher goal in making ground- breaking discovery in neuroscience. Years ago, when he, the groom had kissed his bride at the end of their wedding ceremony, a supposedly groundbreaking moment in their relationship, she had groaned. Practice your own version of consumer disobedience, and let your conscience, compassion, and creativity—not corporations—shape your world. You would think that we, as a nation, would remember every fact and figure since the dawn of time, given the amount of coffee we consume. At the very early stage, mankind used the creation of the world to tell natural time. People's right behavior finally results in the heaven on earth intended by whoever or whatever the creator is! THERE were no half-naked dancers, pink floats, or sailor boys locked in clinches; but India’s gay- pride parade was ground-breaking enough without them. He took part for the first time in the celebrations. I don't care if you've been coming here forever. Instead, I am waiting for sophisticated thought completely, as if I want an epoch-making revolution, like all the attention to a point. He thought, and felt a deep excitement as if he were witnessing creation. For the first time since it entered the world stage, the United States is facing the emergence of a new great power rival. Since the beginning of time, creatures have adapted to changes in their environment. |
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