

单词 bosom
释义 bos·om 英ˈbʊzəm, ˈbuːzəm美ˈbʊzəm, ˈbuzəmAHDb‹zʹəm, b›“zəm ★☆☆☆☆高四六研4八TCOCA¹⁸⁶²⁵BNC¹⁶³⁴³iWeb¹⁷⁶⁷⁹





the chest considered as the place where secret thoughts are kept;

his bosom was bursting with the secret

a person's breast or chestcloth that covers the chest or breastsa close affectionate and protective acceptance;

his willing embrace of new ideas

in the bosom of the family

the locus of feelings and intuitions;

in your heart you know it is true

her story would melt your bosom

either of two soft fleshy milk-secreting glandular organs on the chest of a woman
hide in one's bosom;

She bosomed his letters

squeeze someone tightly in your arms, usually with fondness;

Hug me, please

They embraced

He hugged her close to him










来自英国人的本族语日耳曼语,原本指人的怀抱,即由人的双手和胸部形成的环形范围,后来被用来委婉地表示女性的胸部。bosom friend知心朋友in the bosom of one's family一家团聚bosom chums虱子a snake in someone's bosom背信弃义者in Abraham's bosom同死去的祖先一道安息…strain someone to one's bosom把某人紧抱在怀里…warm a snake in one's bosom在胸上养了一条毒蛇,…bosom piece对缝连接角钢…bosom friends心腹之交come home to one's bosom感人肺腑nourish a viper in one's bosom把毒蛇揣在怀里,姑息…take to one's bosom钟爱bosom of the sea海面a viper in the bosom背信弃义者cherish a snake in one's bosom在胸口养了一条毒蛇,…cherish a viper in one's bosom把毒蛇揣在怀里,姑息…a snake in the bosom背信弃义者take someone to one's bosom欣然接待cherish a serpent in one's bosom在胸口养了一条毒蛇,…nourish a snake in one's bosom让一条毒蛇在自己胸口…
近义词 heart心close关hug拥抱tit山雀firm公司arms武器boob笨蛋midst中间haven港口titty乳头chest胸部breast乳房best最好的dear亲爱的center中心centre中心embrace拥抱squeeze挤压security安全special特别的private私人的knocker敲击者dearest最亲爱的人inseparable不能分的
用作名词n.She has a large bosom.她的胸部非常丰满。
The mother held her child close to her bosom to comfort him.母亲把孩子抱进怀里安慰他。
Her bosom was torn by sorrow.忧伤使她心碎。Pdisembosomvt.吐露泄露Pembosomvt.围绕环绕珍爱Pbosomya.胸部丰满的鼓起的Punbosomv.吐露心事剖明心迹

用作名词She clasped the baby to herbosom.她把孩子紧紧抱在怀里。
Herbosomrose and fell as she breathed.她的胸脯随着呼吸而高低起伏。
He bared hisbosomto the crowd.他向众人袒示胸怀。
She felt the cool wind unique to this valley, laden with a heavy scent of earth, caressing herbosom.她感到河谷里特有的,那种土腥味儿很浓的凉风正拂入她的胸怀。
The boy asked what lay in thebosomof the earth.那男孩问地球内部是什么。
A dark jealousy stirred in hisbosom.他内心生出一阵恶毒的嫉妒。用作形容词The threat of death makesbosombuddies of us all.死亡的威胁使我们都成了亲密的伙伴。
The girl was fortunate enough to have her mother as abosomfriend.这个女孩非常幸运,她的妈妈是她的知心朋友。用作及物动词Because God, too, wishes for all humankind to copy Jesus' example and through him to be embraced in thebosomof His love, He has labored throughout the long history.因为神也是在期待所有的人类能效法耶稣,把他当成模范,并且通过耶稣而拥抱神的爱,因为神在整个慢长的历史里,也是非常地劳苦。noun.breast
同义词 bust,chest,teatsrib cage
反义词 exteriority,outsidenoun.heart;core
同义词 affections,center,circle,conscience,emotions,feelings,inside,interior,sentiments,soul,spirit,sympathies
反义词 exterior,exteriority,outside
boobsnoun(vulgarfemale breasts)
bosoms,breasts,chests,cleavageshooters knockers melonspairstits titties
breastnoun feelings, conscience
being,character,core,emotions,essential nature,heart,mind,psyche,seat of affections,sentiments,soul,spirit,thoughts
breastsnoun feelings, conscience
beings,bosoms,characters,cores,emotions,essential natures,hearts,minds,psyche,seat of affections,sentiments,souls,spirits,thoughts
bustnoun chest of human
chestnoun upper front of body
bosom,breast,bust,heart,mammary glands,peritoneum,pulmonary cavity,rib cage,ribs,thorax,upper trunk
gravamennoun heart
basic,bosom,bottom line,center,coal-and-ice,core,crux,essence,focal point,focus,gist,hub,kernel,marrow,meat,middle,nitty-gritty,nub,nucleus,pith,polestar,quick,quintessence,root,seat,soul,spirit,stuff,substance The child buried its face in its mother's bosom.

The door was opened by a swarthy foreign-looking maid, with a prominent bosom under a gay neckerchief, whom he vaguely fancied to be Sicilian.
一位黑黝黝的异国面孔的女佣开了门。她胸部高高隆起,戴着花哨的围巾,他隐隐约约觉得她是个西西里人。 kekenet

The slippers went on at once, a new handkerchief was slipped into her pocket, well scented with Amy's cologne, the rose was fastened in her bosom, and the nice gloves were pronounced a perfect fit.
她当即穿上便鞋,又把一条散发着古龙水香味的手帕放入衣袋,然后她把那朵玫瑰花别在胸前,又称赞别致的手套“绝对合适”。 kekenet

The threat of death makes bosom buddies of us all.
死亡的威胁使我们都成了亲密的伙伴。 yeeyan

Anger rests in the bosom of folly.
怒火常寓于蠢人的胸中。 putclub

Beyonce's bosom also topped among women, with 23% saying she had the best celebrity cleavage.
碧昂斯的胸部也最受女性青睐,23%的女性说她拥有最完美的乳沟。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom.
至于我,当他们有病的时候,我便穿麻衣,禁食刻苦己心。我所求的都归到自己的怀中。 ebigear

Chuck Hagel, a Republican senator from Nebraska and one- time bosom buddy of Mr McCain has also flirted heavily with the movement, though he has refrained from issuing an official endorsement.
此外,虽然没有发布正式的支持声明,作为麦凯恩曾经的亲密战友---内布拉斯加州参议员查克•哈格尔也对这一阵营暗送秋波。 ecocn

Darkness is the veiled bride silently waiting for the errant light to return to her bosom.
黑夜是薄纱掩面的新娘,恬静地等待着那流转的光明重回她的怀抱。 ebigear

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom.
你们要给人,就必有给你们的。 并且用十足的升斗,连摇带按,上尖下流的,倒在你们怀里。 ebigear

Here, seen only by his eyes, the scarlet letter need not burn into the bosom of the fallen woman!
在这里,红字只有他一个人的眼睛能够看见,也就不必烧进那堕落的女人的胸膛中去了! hjenglish

Hester partly raised him, and supported his head against her bosom.
海丝特撑起他的上半身,让他的头靠在自己的胸前。 hjenglish

His bosom is clear.

I want a few bosom friends, unbound by ceremony, and willing to confide in me.
我要几位知心友,不必拘守成法,肯向我尽情吐露他们的苦衷。 ecocn

In all the seven bygone years, Hester Prynne had never before been false to the symbol on her bosom.
在过去的七今年头中,海丝特·白兰还从来没有就她胸前的标记说过假话。 ebigear

In the bosom of such as these the spirit dwells in rhythmic silence.
在这些人的胸中,精神生活在沉默的节奏里。 ebigear

It is not for nothing that he does not leave us. He loves to rest his head on mother's bosom, and cannot ever bear to lose sight of her.
而他没有离开,这是有原因的。他喜欢把头依偎在妈妈的胸怀中,他一刻也不能忍受看不到妈妈。 ebigear

It will not flee from me; for I wear nothing on my bosom yet!
它不会逃避我的,因为我胸前还什么都没戴呢! hjenglish

She feels an ache in her bosom.

The letter is gaily embroidered, and shows right bravely on your bosom!
那字母绣得那么鲜艳,戴在你胸前,恰到好处地显示了你的勇敢! hjenglish

This was after all his big chance to cement Libya's re-entry into the bosom of the international community after20 years in the wilderness.
利比亚在20年后重新回到国际社会的怀抱,而这次演讲也正是卡扎菲巩固利比亚在国际社会中地位的良机。 yeeyan

With sudden and desperate tenderness, she threw her arms around him, and pressed his head against her bosom; little caring though his cheek rested on the scarlet letter.
她怀着突然和绝望的柔情,猛地伸出两臂搂住了他,并且把他的头靠在她胸前;她没有顾及这样一来,他的面颊恰好贴在那红字上。 hjenglish




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