词汇 | 庸人自扰 |
释义 | 庸人自扰 辨形“庸”,不能写作“佣”。 辨析参见“杞人忧天”。。 辨形“庸”,不能写作“佣”。 辨析见“杞人忧天”。 歇后语天下本无事 俄文волновáться из-за пустяков 德文der Narr macht viel Aufhebens um nichts sich unnǒtige Sorgen machen 当时太平公主专权,宰相萧至忠;岑义等大臣都投靠她,只有象先洁身自好,从不去巴结。先天二年,太平公主事发被杀,萧至忠等被诛。受这件事牵连的人很多,象先暗中化解,救了许多人,那些人事后都不知道。 先天三年,象先出任剑南道按察使,一个司马劝象先说:“希望明公采取些杖罚来树立威名。要不然,恐怕没人会听我们的。”象先说:“当政的人讲理就可以了,何必要讲严刑呢?这不是宽厚人的所为。” 六年,象先出任蒲州刺史。吏民有罪了,大多开导教育一番,就放了。录事对象先说:“明公您不鞭打他们,哪里有威风!”象先说:“人情都差不多的,难道他们不明白我的话?如果要用刑,我看应该先从你开始。”录事惭愧地退了下去。象先常常说:“天下本来无事,都是人自己给自己找麻烦,才将事情越弄越糟庸人自扰。如果在开始就能清醒这一点,事情就简单多了。” 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 Lacking100 dollars is original, now be good, several100 dollars, but I made sorrow more- much ado about nothing. Do not be disappointed. If you had already done your utmost, regret won't trouble you unless you invite it. The wind moved, pennant also didn't move, but your heart in the move; Fat or thin or why all much ado about nothing. No need to panic yet, but a leverage ratio is being considered as part of the Basel3 rules. Tranquility---Do not be disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable. Along with the fish flopping about an income protection, have all of a sudden ray of light flashes Ling-Hui: The world is so beautiful, why should my worrying about troubles we imagined it. He thinks people around him are trying to make fun of him, but he's really just fighting with windmills. It was all much ado about nothing. I would tell myself not to think of it any more. In his view, the perceived risks for Chinese banks are to a certain extent artificially created. There was no advantage in doing so, so why bother? Obsessing over the price of dinner, before, during, or afterward either paints you as a worrywart who isn’t enjoying the date — or a cheapskate who isn’t enjoying the date. Later I have known she's been ill. Fortunately for me, she accepted my apology and I promised her not to think anything stupid when were not together. Listen! Many needlessly worried problems fermented in and from the bad knowledge that we have absorbed. Shakespeare’s character Hamlet tells us that “ nothing is good or bad as thinking makes it so”. I’ve also felt sad some time, but when I think of you, I will regard those“ sad matters” as nothing to feel sad about. |
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