释义 |
Bosc 英bɒsk美bɑskAHDbŏsk COCA⁹³⁴²¹BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹ 基本英英例句 n.博斯克梨⁶⁷;波士克梨³³
Noun: greenish-yellow pearOldBoschad never budged an inch--he was totally indifferent.老包斯克一直连动也没有动,他全然无所谓。 Product Description : The BeurreBoscpear is bell-shaped with a brownish skin.中文描述:形状好看,果皮为褐色。 The deploymentBoscline-up of the most difficult in midfield, he is still hesitant Harvey's partner who is.博斯克调配阵容的最大难点还是在中场,他目前仍在犹豫哈维的搭档是谁。 Boscand focus on competition, Games, a Golden Globe on Europe's non-Spain in the near future turned out to be the focus of the team.与博斯克专注比赛不同,赛场外,一场关于欧洲金球奖的是非反而成为了近期西班牙队内的焦点。 |