词汇 | 废寝忘食 |
释义 | 废寝忘食 辨形“废”,不能写作“费”;“寝”,不能写作“寐”。 辨形“废”,不能写作“费”;“寝”,不能写作“寐”。 歇后语喜鹊跟着蝙蝠飞 法文se liver éperdument às'adonner à 俄文забыть об едé и сне 德文über etwas Essen und Schlafen vergessen 孔子年老时,开始周游列国。在他六十四岁那年,来到了楚国的叶邑今河南叶县附近。 叶县大夫沈诸梁,热情接待了孔子。沈诸梁人称叶公,他只听说过孔子是个有名的思想家;政治家,教出了许多优秀的学生,对孔子本人并不十分了解,于是向孔子的学生子路打听孔子的为人。 子路虽然跟随孔子多年,但一时却不知怎么回答,就没有作声。 以后,孔子知道了这事,就对子路说:“你为什么不回答他:‘孔子的为人呀,努力学习而不厌倦,甚至于忘记了吃饭,津津乐道于授业传道,而从不担忧受贫受苦;自强不息,甚至忘记了自己的年纪。’这样的话呢?” 孔子的话,显示出他由于有远大的理想,所以生活得非常充实。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 In the early sixties, Daykin and his colleagues busied themselves with inventing features like those. While involved in work that suits us, we are immersed in the activity and lose all track of time. These should be times of tireless effort and sleepless nights for all of us with a leadership role in health. And this should be a time of tireless action and sleepless nights for all of us with a leadership role in health. He eats, drinks and sleeps his work. So diligently does he work that he often forgets to eat and sleep. So hard does he study that he often forgets food and sleep. He really forgot to eat and sleep. Absorbed in the work, he neglected food and sleep. Their sleepless nights, working around the clock, they are not for money and risk their lives to do these moves, they are not for the sake of personal interests, then they are in the end Why? They are so diligent in their study that they neglect their sleep and meals. Torn between their research work and their teaching, they often forgot to eat and sleep. It floats in the imagination and expect, is the people heart longing. “ Unless the partner can turn their job into the same kind of emotional, all- consuming enterprise like the MBA, things will be rough, ” Mr Wilson says. To pass the program's two- language requirement, one summer I studied French and German day and night for three straight months. I once worked for a foreign novel, “ Summer down the net” mesmerizing, close to the point of sleepless nights. While the modern young men, they would like to play game before the computer all day long, forget eating and sleeping. Today's veterinarians are extremely dedicated and willing to work long, difficult hours to save the life of an animal or help solve a public health crisis. One week, he did his own work and that of several other steel-drivers. He worked day and night, rarely stopping to eat. One place to look for your top values is to remember a time in your life when you were operating on all cylinders and felt happy, consumed by what you were doing and not aware of time. In this way, young people forget to eat and sleep, day and night, rack one's brains, write the song desperately. Jung worked at a breakneck pace to execute her plan. The worst thing is that you might work extremely hard for a week on some serious photos, but if the chief's not satisfied, you do them all over again. Absorbed in the work, she neglected food and sleep. That he should have stamped up and down, singing aloud, forgetting to eat or sleep while creating so greatly is understandable when one listens to his music. |
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