

单词 borough
释义 bor·ough 英ˈbɜːrəʊ, ˈbʌrəʊ美ˈbɝro, ˈbʌroAHDbûrʹō, bŭrʹ-ō ★★☆☆☆高四八GCOCA¹⁷⁵¹⁰BNC³⁹¹⁵iWeb⁷⁴⁵³Economist⁸⁴⁹²

town or part of a large city which governs itself

one of the administrative divisions of a large cityan English town that forms the constituency of a member of parliament来自词根burgh-设防城镇。古代欧洲的一些设防城镇凭借自己的长期斗争,从封建领主那里赢得了自治权,变成了自治城市。词根burg-/burgh-山、堡垒、城堡、设防城镇来自日耳曼语,出现在很多日耳曼地名中,本意为“高处”,引申为建造在高处的堡垒。pocket borough被一人或一家族所操…rotten borough有名无实的选区…borough council法 自治市议会…county borough人口在五万以上的自治…parliamentary borough法 议会议员选举…borough-english幼子继承制
GRE难词记忆borough=burgh n.(市镇,自治市=burg n.村镇→自治村镇 borough=burghn.市镇,自治市=burgn.村镇⇒自治村镇钱博士borough→borgh→burgh→设防城镇⇒自治市近义词 area面积parish教区district地区division划分township镇区municipality自治市
用作名词n.New York is made up of fiveboroughs.纽约由五个行政区组成。Pinterborougha.自治区间的Pborough-english幼子继承制

用作名词He lives in the Borough of Brooklyn.他住在布鲁克林区。noun.incorporated municipality smaller than a city
同义词 district,precinctcommunity,ward
citiesnoun large town
boom towns,boroughs,burgs,capitals,centers,conurbations,downtowns,megalopolises,metropolises,metropolitan areas,municipalities,places,polises,ports,urban places,urbs
citynoun large town
boom town,burg,capital,center,conurbation,downtown,megalopolis,metropolis,metropolitan area,municipality,place,polis,port,urban place,urbs
civicadjective community
municipaladjective concerning cities
municipalitynoun city
townnoun incorporated community
boondocks,borough,burg,city,hamlet,metropolis,municipality,seat,sticks,township,whistle-stop That's what happened to Harry Barritt of London's Bromley borough.
住在伦敦的布罗姆利自治市的哈里。 巴里特就经历了此事。 yeeyan

The disparities between boroughs are striking: in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, an affluent part of town, more than half of children attend independent schools;
差异在区与区之间更明显:在富足的肯辛顿-切尔西区,一半以上的孩子都上私立学校; ecocn

The London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham also boasts a fine collection of excellent private schools, and 25% of the children educated in the borough attend one.
伦敦的富勒姆自治市鼓吹优秀的私立学校在此地聚集,25%的孩子都上私立学校。 ecocn

“ Immigration is the prism” through which everything is seen in the borough, she says.
她认为,“移民就像是一个棱柱”,透过它所有的问题都一览无遗。 ecocn.org

“ We’re on our way to making that dream come true, ” said Marty Markowitz, the Brooklyn borough president, who is to formally announce the restoration in his State of the Borough address Wednesday.
“我们正在着手把梦想变为现实,”布鲁克林区长马蒂·马克霍兹说到,他正式宣布该影院恢复项目在下周三正式动工。 yeeyan

A municipal borough of eastern Northern Ireland on Belfast Lough. It is a seaport, resort, and yachting center. Population, 67, 600.
班戈区北爱尔兰东部一自治市区,位于贝尔法斯特湖边。是一港口、休假胜地及帆船运动中心。人口67,600。 iciba

Arsenal is big in its home borough of IslingtonIs, and in CamdenCa and Barnet.
阿森纳在其主场所在地的伊斯灵顿区势力强大,此外阿森纳的球迷还遍布卡姆登区和哈尼特区。 yeeyan

At least77 Chinese children have gone missing since March2006 from the home, operated by the London borough of Hillingdon.
自2006年3月至今,由希灵登区负责管理的儿童之家中至少有77名中国儿童失踪。 yeeyan

He said he hoped improving performances by their comprehensives would encourage future parents to stay in the borough, but in the meantime didn't blame anyone for avoiding the worst schools.
他说他希望通过提高综合学校的成绩能够鼓励家长们留在这一地区,但同时也并不责怪那些逃离坏学校的人。 yeeyan

I went to a debate in the Bronx, moderated by the borough president, Fernando Ferrer, who would become a supporter.
我在布朗克斯参加了一场辩论,主持辩论的是布朗克斯区区长费尔南多.费雷尔,他后来成了我的支持者。 yeeyan

In 2004 a church- sponsored academy—a st at e-funded independent school—opened in the borough;
2004年,一个由教会捐款建立的学术机构——一个由国家出资建立的独立学校一在这个区建立了; ecocn

Like most Londoners, Matt and Gen shop, meet their friends and go to restaurants in their own borough.
跟大多数伦敦人一样,马特和吉纳买东西、见朋友、外出就餐都是在自己居住的那个区。 yeeyan

Luton Borough Council said it was awaiting full details of the proposal before assessing whether it could approve in- flight weddings.
卢顿区理事会称,目前该机构正在等待有关空中婚礼方案的所有详细内容,之后才能评估其是否可行。 hxen

Small and plucky seems to define the borough’s distillers so far.
小且勇敢似乎足够定义自治区的酿酒师了。 yeeyan

Some14 of the20 most expensive streets in England and Wales were in the borough of Kensington and Chelsea.
在英格兰和威尔士最贵20个街道中,其中有14个位于肯辛顿和切尔西自治市。 yeeyan

The London borough of Havering suspended the programme pending safety checks by the Department of Health. It said it would resume vaccinations tomorrow.
哈佛林的伦敦自治市在卫生部进行的安全检查期间暂停了该计画。据说明天恢复接种疫苗。 yeeyan

The scheme has now gone borough- wide.
这一计划已推广到全区范围。 ecocn

The borough is one of the poorest in the capital.
该区是伦敦最穷的区之一。 ecocn.org

There are837 murders detailed here, with date, age of the victim and the London borough in which they died.
有837起谋杀案详列于此,有日期、受害者的年龄以及他们死亡时所在的伦敦的行政区。 yeeyan

There aren't any grammars in Merton, but a nearby borough, Sutton, has them and we knew several parents who have used Sutton to escape the worst of Merton's comprehensives.
墨顿市没有任何文法学校,但是附近的自治镇 Sutton是有的。我们认识一些为了逃避墨顿的综合中学而转向 Sutton的家长。 yeeyan

You can view service changes by station, by line, or by borough.
你可以根据站点、线路、或者行政区查询服务变化。 yeeyan




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