词汇 | 平步青云 |
释义 | 平步青云 辨析平步青云和“青云直上”;都有“地位上升很快”的意思。但平步青云偏重于轻而易举一下子达到高位;同时还可比喻一下子达到很高的境界;“青云直上”偏重在步步高升;直线上升。 辨析平步青云和“青云直上”;都有“地位上升很快”的意思。但平步青云偏重于轻而易举一下子达到高位;同时还可比喻一下子达到很高的境界;“青云直上”偏重在步步高升;直线上升。 歇后语高俅踢球;一脚踏进云端里 俄文стремительное восхождение по служебной лестнице 范睢起初不受到魏王的重视,只好投靠到宰相须贾的门下。 有一次,范睢跟随须贾出使齐国,齐王非常欣赏范睢的才华,就暗中送他许多金银珠宝。等回国后须贾在魏王面前搬弄是非说:「齐王送礼物给范睢,可能是要他做内奸呢! 胡涂魏王也不调查,就把范离打成重伤,关在相府的厕所里。幸亏看门的仆人见他可怜,偷偷救他出来,藏匿在朋友郑安平的家中。 在一个偶尔的机会下,范睢被带到秦国,并改名张禄,最后还当上秦国的宰相,为了报仇,范睢坚决主张攻打魏国。吓得魏国立刻派须贾来秦国求和。 须贾一进相府,才发现宰相原来就是范睢,他赶紧跪下,叩头说:“没想到您以自己的力量,竟能平步青云的做了秦国宰相,以前得罪您的地方,如今请您能从轻发落啊!” 反义词 Joining St. George's Bank in2002, Kelly moved quickly up the ladder and became CEO that same yearthe CEO at the time died of a heart attack. Although around half of their intake is female, that proportion shrinks rapidly as people climb the career ladder. Being able to function well with people from all walks of life is a skill that will take you far in your career and possibly social life as well. If your father went to Harvard, you had a90 percent chance of getting in yourself, and the path upward from there was grooved in your favor. There were no ups and downs in his life; on the contrary, he rose suddenly to being the manager. For now the scurrying image of Walcott sits well. The only problem is making it last. It is like the tale of a sporting hero who springs from relative obscurity to triumph over a string of worthy opponents, often by assimilating their techniques. Over the next few years, I worked my way up the leader, gaining experience in several different departments. Mr Weber had steadily built his career at the University of Siegen, before moving to Bonn, Frankfurt and Cologne. It charts his rise under Queen Anne and George I including a spell in prison in the Tower of London in 1712 on charges of financial impropriety to his appointment as paymaster-general in1714. That might be ok in business or law think John Houseman in Paper Chase but for my classes and my teaching style, some level of rapport is crucial. And judging by their local councillors, BNP politicians tend not to distinguish themselves in office. As a commoner at birth, he rose through the ranks quickly due to his genius, natural talents and dedication. Renho's ascent to power comes as Japan struggles to come to terms with its near- absence of female executives and politicians. Wildly popular with her students, she manages education like a career, with lofty ambitions of scaling the hierarchical ladder. |
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