

单词 borne
释义 borne 英bɔːn, bəʊrn美bɔrn, bornAHDbôrn, bōrn ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA¹²⁸⁴²BNC⁵⁹⁶⁸iWeb⁵³⁸⁰¹Economist⁷⁵³⁶
名词 bear:
massive plantigrade carnivorous or omnivorous mammals with long shaggy coats and strong clawsan investor with a pessimistic market outlook; an investor who expects prices to fall and so sells now in order to buy later at a lower pricewater-borne通过水传播的…bear熊wind-borne风传送的-borne携带的carrier-borne以航空母舰为基地的…

用作形容词A voice wasborneto us on the wind.某种声音随风传来。
The canoe wasbornealong by the current.那独木舟顺流而下.⋘⋙Cain wasborneby Eve.该隐为夏娃所生。
The experience of the last few years has fullybornethis out.最近几年的经验完全证明了这一点。adj.carried
同义词 braved,endured,narrow,produced,rode,tolerated,toted
carriedadjective transported
undergoneadjective sustained
borne,encountered,endured,experienced,felt,known,met with,shared,submitted to,supported,withstood All the travelling expenses will be borne by the host country.

And it cannot be acceptable that the benefits of success in this sector are reaped by the few but the costs of its failure are borne by all of us.
但是,这个行业成功的丰厚利益由少数人分享,而失败的沉重代价则需由我们所有人承担,这是不能接受的。 yeeyan

The cost, however, is not borne by them alone.
但代价不只是由他们承担的。 putclub

This was followed by reports of a squadron of aircraft over LA and a balloon- borne flare over Santa Monica.
紧跟着的是洛杉矶上空一中队空军飞机的射击声和圣摩尼卡的一个球载照明弹。 yeeyan

Yet I have borne him a son in his old age.
因为在他年老的时候,我给他生了一个儿子。 ebigear

But I believe that this disadvantage is far outweighed by the experience gained by the students, and this is borne out by the feedback I receive and the results.
但是我相信,这个缺点同学生们所获得的经验相比就微不足道了,并且这一点被我所收到的反馈和实际取得的效果所证实。 ibm

But only in recent years have studies borne this out.
但是,直到近几年才有支持这一观点的研究。 putclub.com

For now this is all borne out of optimism.
到现在为止,所有的推测都是乐观。 yeeyan

However, the brunt of the recession will be borne by the hotels’ owners rather than the chains that manage and franchise them.
然而,经济衰退带来的影响是由宾馆拥有者承担,而不是由管理和特许权授予者宾馆连锁承担。 ecocn

Incurred expenses from the sales of the product shall be borne by AGENT and shall not be reimbursed by PRINCIPAL, unless agreed upon in writing.
如未以书面形式达成一致,任何产品销售产生的费用应由代理方承担,且不应向委托方报销 ecocn

It is, she read, the deadliest of all the tick- borne illnesses.
她读到,这是所有的壁虱传播的疾病中最致命的一种。 yeeyan

Many of the casualties in Yemen have been borne by young students.
也门很多的意外伤亡往往都由年轻的学生承担。 yeeyan

More than half of the burden from air pollution on human health is borne by people in developing countries.
因空气污染给人类健康造成的疾病负担一半以上是由发展中国家人民承担的。 who

Since the days of Franklin Roosevelt, and the service and sacrifice of our grandparents and great-grandparents, our country has borne a special burden in global affairs.
从富兰克林·罗斯福时期开始,通过我们的祖父辈及其父辈的奉献与牺牲,我们的国家在全球事务中承担了特殊的重负。 putclub

So they learn in this story that the moral choices and actions of humans have consequences that have to be borne by the perpetrator.

So our desire for your prosperity is not borne out of some nobility. It is in our self- interest that China continue to prosper.
因此,我们希望你们繁荣,这不是因为出于某种崇高的目的;中国继续繁荣,符合我们自身的利益。 ebigear

This seemed to be borne out in recent interviews conducted with weekend warriors in Manchester.
这似乎在最近的曼彻斯特进行的对周末战士的采访中得到了证实。 yeeyan

This type of man is being borne in Los Angeles, in the cultural sense if not the anthropological sense.
在文化的意义上,即便不是在人种的意义上,这样一种类型的人正在洛杉矶诞生。 kekenet




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