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词汇 borlaug
释义 borlaug
Norman Borlaug and his team had even greater success in Pakistan and India.
诺曼·博洛格和他的团队在巴基斯坦和印度取得了更大的成功。 zixuezhe

Norman Borlaug led what was known as the Green Revolution.
诺曼·博洛格领导了众所周知的绿色革命。 alai

“ More than any other single person of his age, he has helped to provide bread for a hungry world, ” the Nobel committee chairman, Aase Lionaes, said in presenting the award to Borlaug.
“与和他同龄的任何一个人相比,他提供给饥饿世界的粮食要多得多,”诺贝尔奖委员会主席 Aase Lionaes在给博洛格颁奖时说。 yeeyan

“ Rust never sleeps,” Borlaug once said.
“锈病从不睡觉”, Borlaug曾经说过。 ecocn

AS DAWN broke over northern Mexico, Norman Borlaug wriggled from his sleeping bag.
墨西哥北破晓的时候,罗曼博洛格就从他的睡袋里爬了出来。 ecocn

Born in Iowa, Borlaug began the work that led to his Nobel in Mexico at the end of the second world war.
出生于爱荷华州,在第二次世界大战结束之时博洛格在墨西哥便开始了那项将他引领向诺贝尔和平奖的工作。 yeeyan

Food availability: As Norman Borlaug led the Green Revolution in the mid-20th century, he was aware of the rising organic tide back home.
食品产量:二十世纪中叶,当诺曼-博拉格领导着绿色革命时,他就意识到身后的有机潮流日益高涨。 yeeyan

If Mr Borlaug was the father of the revolution, political necessity was its mother.
如果说勃劳格先生是绿色革命的父亲的话,那么政治需要就是母亲了。 shuwo

Mr Borlaug called them naysayers and elitists, who had never known hunger but thought, for the health of the planet, that the poor should go without good food.
博洛格先生称他们是唱反调的精英,他们从未忍受过饥饿,现在却为了地球的健康,提倡穷人不要吃饭。 ecocn

Norman Borlaug taught at Texas A&M University and worked on international projects until not long before his death on September twelfth.
在前不久的9月12日去世之前,诺曼。博洛在德克萨斯的 A&M大学教学并从事一些国际型项目。 unsv

Norman Borlaug established the World Food Prize in nineteen eighty-six.
诺尔曼·布洛格于1986年创立了世界粮食奖。 koolearn

Rust, Borlaug once said, “ never sleeps.”
博劳格曾经说过,锈病病菌“从不停止活动”。 ecocn

She says Norman Borlaug still believes it is our responsibility as human beings to feed one another.
她说,诺曼.博洛格仍然认为人类养活自己是我们共同的责任。 yeeyan

That is not just money, but a trade-off of lower yields for more resistance ie, the opposite of what Borlaug achieved.
这不仅仅是金钱的问题,也可能是低产出与抵抗性的权衡例如: Borlaug成就的另一面。 ecocn

That was Bill Gates talking to agricultural scientists gathered recently to honour the late Norman Borlaug, father of the Green Revolution.
这是比尔盖茨在最近纪念绿色革命之父博洛格的活动中对到场的农学家们说的一句话。 ecocn

The UN says global farm yields must rise 77pc, which means redoubling Norman Borlaug's“ green revolution”.
联合国说全球农产品必须有77%的增长,这就意味着诺曼·布劳格 Norman Borlaug的“绿色革命”要翻番进行。 yeeyan

Borlaug used a mightyrust-resisting gene that lasted40 years.
博劳格用了一个强大的抗锈病基因也只维持了40年。 ecocn

Borlaug won the Nobel in1970 for his contributions to the science of high-yield crop varieties and bringing other agricultural innovations to the developing world.
博洛格因其在高产粮食品种科学方面的杰出贡献以及将农业革新带到发展中国家而在1970年获得了诺贝尔和平奖。 yeeyan

Borlaug's methods often raised yields while reducing acreage, and it seemed for years he'd proven the organic movement wrong.
博拉格的方法能有效提升产量,却降低了可耕地面积,而且看起来他要证明有机农业的做法是错误的还需要数年时间。 yeeyan




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