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词汇 Borges
释义 Bor·ges 英ˈbɔːhes美ˈbɔrhɛsAHDbôrʹhĕs Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
Argentinian writer remembered for his short stories 1899-1986PhilBorgesis among recent Giraffe Heroes.菲尔鲍杰就是最近的“长颈鹿英雄”之一。
In 1921Borgessettled in Buenos Aires.在1921年博尔赫斯定居在布宜诺斯艾利斯。
MisterBorgeshas also taken his camera to Afghanistan.强),肯尼亚,尼泊尔,印度以及美国本土亚利桑那州的小村落。 Boast of Quietness Borges Writings of light assault the darkness, more prodigious than meteors.

Jorge Luis Borges, the most famous of the country's writers, once famously pronounced that“ our entire country is imported; everyone here is really from somewhere else”.
该国最著名的作家豪尔赫·路易斯·博尔赫斯曾精彩宣称:“我们整个国家都是进口的,这儿的每一个人其实都来自别的地方。” zftrans

Mr. Borges reads many books and commented many of them including some Chinese classics. We know he admires Chinese literature very much.

After Peron's deposition in 1955 Borges became Director of the National Library.
1955年庇隆政权下野之后,博尔赫斯成为了国家图书馆的馆长。 ycool

Chapter three discusses the philosophical thoughts over the combination between Borges' metaphysical consideration and the biggest metaphor“ time”.
第三章论述的是博尔赫斯叙事艺术与最大隐喻体“时间”进行融会贯通时所产生的哲学思考。 fabiao

Hector Moreno, a21-year-old senior who is studying chemical engineering, began an analysis of the idea of infinity as a mathematical concept in Borges’s stories.
赫克托.莫雷诺,21岁的主修化学工程的高年级学生,开始把博尔赫斯故事中无限这个思想当作数学概念加以分析。 yeeyan

I’d rather be a renter in Borges’ library than the owner of my own.
我宁愿成为博尔赫斯图书馆的租用者而不是所有者。 yeeyan

IN A short story called “ On Exactitude in Science”, Jorge Luis Borges described an empire in which cartographers became so obsessive that they produced a map as big as the empire itself.
博尔赫斯在短篇故事《关于科学的精确性》中写道:帝国的制图者们如此偏执,以至于绘制了一幅与帝国面积同等大小的地图。 ecocn

In the universe of energy, mass, and speed of light, Borges considers the central riddle time, not space.
在能量、质量、光速的宇宙里,博尔赫斯认为核心谜团是时间,而不是空间。 ycool

In1921 Borges settled in Buenos Aires.
在1921年博尔赫斯定居在布宜诺斯艾利斯。 ycool

Jorge Luis Borges, Argentine poet and writer, used to be the director of the National Library of Argentina.
博尔赫斯,阿根廷著名诗人,作家,曾在公共图书馆工作并任职阿根廷国家图书馆馆长。 iciba

Midway through class on Tuesday, Mr. Vargas Llosa switched gears, indicating that it was time for presentations by students, who take turns sitting at his desk and analyzing Borges’s work.
在这周二课程的中途,巴尔加斯.略萨先生调整了课程进度,决定现在由学生们轮流坐在讲桌后面来分析博尔赫斯的作品。 yeeyan

There Borges started to think that his father was her“client”.
而博尔赫斯以为他的父亲是那个窑姐儿的老恩主。 ycool

Borges has told in an interview that when he was a boy, he found an engraving of the seven wonders of the world, one of which portrayed a circular labyrinth.
博尔赫斯告诉在接受采访时说,当他还是一个孩子的时候,他发现了一个世界七大奇观的雕刻,其中描绘了环形迷宫。 ycool

Borges, who had long suffered from eye problems, was totally blind in his last decades.
博尔赫斯在经受长期眼疾的困扰后,在他生命的最后几十年里彻底失去了视力。 ycool

Borges, a short- story writer, poet and essayist, died in1986 without the Nobel.
博尔赫斯死于1986年,这位短篇小说作家、诗人和散文家没有获得诺贝尔奖的垂青。 yeeyan

Borges aptly names the library in his story after the Tower of Babel parable, wherein humankind, united by one language, has the hubris to build a tower to reach heaven.
博尔赫斯巧妙的借用了巴别塔的寓言命名了图书馆,在这个寓言故事中,人类操着同一种语言,他们狂妄的想要修建一座到达天堂的塔。 yeeyan

Borges himself was devoted to this task: he was a librarian.
博尔赫斯本人就投身于这项任务:他就是一名图书馆员。 yeeyan

Borges spent nine years at the suburban library.
博尔赫斯在郊区的图书馆待了9年。 ycool




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