

单词 borg
释义 borg 英bɔːg美bɔrgAHDbôrg 高COCA²³³²⁷BNC²⁹³²⁰
The finance minister, Anders Borg, has shown genuine skill in handling the financial crisis and its aftermath.
财政部长安德斯展示出真实的处理经济危机及其后续影响的能力。 ecocn

The following year a group of former Wimbledon champions including Mr McEnroe, Bjorn Borg and Martina Navratilova penned an open letter to the ITF demanding a reduction in the size of rackets.
一年后包括麦肯罗,比约.伯格,玛蒂娜.娜夫拉蒂诺娃等一群前温网冠军们向 ITF递交了公开信,要求减小球拍的尺寸。 ecocn

“ We cannot foresee that we would introduce such a tax in our system again, ” says Anders Borg, Sweden’s finance minister.
“我们并不期望在我们的税务体系内再次引进该税种”瑞士金融部长安德伯格说。 ecocn

“The bankers are partying like it's1999, and it's2009, ” said Swedish finance minister Anders Borg, whose country holds the EU presidency.
“银行家们还在像1999年那样开派对,但现在是2009年了。”瑞典财长 Ander Borg表示,瑞典目前是欧盟的轮值主席国。 yeeyan

A centrepiece of this effort is a helmet with a Borg- like eyepiece.
这一功能的一个核心部件就是一顶头盔,它配有像电视剧中博格人头盔一样的镜片。 ecocn

Anders Borg, Mr Reinfeldt's chief economic adviser, praises the country's well- managed, export-driven, high- tech companies and its well- educated workforce.
林费尔德的首席经济顾问安德斯·伯格称赞了本国那些管理优良的、出口型高科技企业和受过良好教育的劳动力。 ecocn

Anders Borg, Sweden’s respected finance minister, concedes that the jobs situation“ will remain difficult”.
颇受人尊敬的瑞典财政部长安德斯•伯格不得不承认就业状况仍然不容乐观。 ecocn

Can Federer stop Nadal equaling Borg's record?
费德勒能够阻止纳达尔打破博格的记录吗? www.kle100.cn

Do you feel now if you stay fit and healthy that you can eclipse the records of Borg and Sampras here at the All England Club?
在你一直保持良好身体状态的情况下,你认为有没有可能改写前辈博格和桑普拉斯在全英俱乐部创下的辉煌纪录呢? cri

Has Mr. Bernanke been intellectually assimilated by the Fed Borg?
伯南克先生的智慧已被美联储中的强硬对手 Borg同化了吗? yeeyan

Helped by an independent fiscal- policy council, Mr Borg has kept a firm grip on the budget, withdrawing the big fiscal stimulus he injected last year.
由于一个独立的财政政策委员会的帮助,博格牢牢控制着预算,取消了去年新投入市场的财政刺激政策。 ecocn

In“ Wild Strawberries,” Bergman uses the protagonist, Isak Borg, to portray the extreme emotional discomfort that plagued Bergman at the time.
在《野草莓》中,伯格曼用主角 Isak Borg表现了那段时间折磨他自己的情感的极度不适。 hjenglish

Last year Scott Borg of the United States Cyber-Consequences Unit, a think-tank, said that Israel might prefer to mount a cyber- attack rather than a military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities.
去年,斯科特·博格 Scott Borg——美国网络影响部这家顾问班子的成员——宣称,以色列不大想对伊朗的核设施进行军事打击,而更想通过网络对其发动病毒进攻势。 ecocn

Mikkel Borg Bjergso, the proprietor of a bar in Copenhagen, makes a wonderfully light and floral pilsener, and markets it through word of mouth.
米科尔·伯格·柏格森,哥本哈根一家酒吧的经营者,制造一种美味的淡色花香比尔森啤酒,而且通过口口相传扩展市场。 yeeyan

Mr Borg and Mr Reinfeldt believe firmly in ownership as a driver of prosperity.
博格先生和赖因费尔特先生始终坚信所有权是经济昌盛的助推剂。 ecocn

Mr Borg calls this“ reinforcing the work ethic”. Mr Reinfeldt talks simply of making work pay.
博格先生称这为“加强职业道德化”,而赖因费尔特先生仅仅称其为工有其酬。 ecocn

Yet Mr Reinfeldt’s pony-tailed finance minister, Anders Borg, can also claim much credit.
然而,雷菲尔德的财政部长安德斯博格同样有功可居。 ecocn

Borg said Malta- China relations have been developing well and can serve as a model of relations between big and small countries.
博奇说,马中关系近来发展良好,堪称大小国家之间关系发展的典范。 www.fmprc.gov.cn




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