词汇 | 巧夺天工 |
释义 | 巧夺天工 辨形“天”,不能写作“忝”。 辨形“天”,不能写作“忝”。 歇后语鲁班的手艺 法文l'art surpasse la natureêtre d'une extrême dextérité 德文extrafein die Natur an Meisterschaft übertreffen 当时,出身于四世三公大官僚家庭的袁绍,担任冀州今河北省临漳县西南邺城牧,他的第二个儿子袁熙尚未成亲。袁熙听说甄氏才学出众,貌若天仙,而且是官宦人家出身,门当户对,请求父亲派人去提亲,这样,甄氏便嫁到了袁家。后来,袁绍在与各地方势力的混战中取胜,他的三个儿子也各领一州。但好景不长,公元200年袁绍在官渡之战中被曹操打败,不久吐血而亡。他的次子袁熙不久也被公孙康杀死。 此时,袁绍的夫人刘氏和甄氏一起住在邺城汉献帝被曹操迎接迁都至许昌,任命袁绍为太尉;封邺侯,故家眷居邺。曹操的长子曹丕破邺城后进入袁府,见到甄氏即被她的美貌所惊呆,他当即要她理一下披散的头发,见甄氏脸上有泪痕,并递过去手帕让她擦脸。临走时,留下一队卫兵保护袁府,不许外人闯入。不久,曹丕禀明曹操,派人把甄氏接到自己府里,与她喜结良缘。 自此曹丕对甄氏宠爱无比,百依百顺,曹操死后,曹丕代汉称帝,建立了魏国,甄氏被立皇后。当时甄氏已年过四十岁,容颜衰败。为了能使曹丕长久宠幸自己,她每天早晨都要花很长时间梳洗打扮。 据说在她宫室前的庭院中,有一条长得非常美丽的绿色的蛇,它嘴里时常含一颗红珠。每当甄皇后晨起梳妆打扮的时候,它就在她面前签署成奇巧的形状。甄皇后后来注意到,这条蛇每天筋同的形状,从来不重复。于是,她就模仿它的形状梳头。 时间久了,甄皇后的头发虽然是用人工梳成的,但它的精致巧妙可称得上“巧夺天工”。当然,她每天头发的形状也是变化不同的,后宫的人都称它为“灵蛇髻”。曹丕见了后,觉得她仍然非常年轻漂亮,还是对她十分宠爱。 但是,随着年华的消逝,即使再精致巧妙的梳妆,也无法改变甄皇后失宠的命运。年轻美貌的郭皇后终于替代了她的地位。而她由于对此不满,惹怒了曹丕,最后被下诏赐死。曹丕死后,甄皇后所生长子明帝即位,追谥其母为文昭皇后,另建寝庙,曰“文昭庙”,世世享祀,与祖庙相同。此成语源于甄皇后为永葆青春秀美,精心梳理“灵蛇髻”,以取悦皇上的故事。 【注意】❶也说天工巧夺。❷含褒义。 反义词 The essay The Two Roads not only reveals profound and philosophical moral, but also attracts readers' attention and makes them obsessed by the masterly writing techniques and arrangement of the essay. The shop in our hotel sells handicrafts of supernatural workmanship from various parts of China. Relief-like vision, abstract style coupled with a talent for design, that is, classical fields of stone brings a new style of decoration, so you never fall behind the building. Women are the main folk arts and crafts tradition bearers, they are produced by nature's intricate folk crafts. Then along arid valleys of sandstone, with fluted columns like giant organ pipes and eroded rocks forming fantastical sculptures. Hills in the hold, home, is Park, the Pro Mountain hydrophilic, wonderful workmanship. The “ campanile” nearby church is quite brilliant, and it is82 meters tall. While nature determines a diamond's color, clarity, and carat weight, the hand of a master craftsman is needed to release its fire and beauty. Distances and widths that appear equal are in fact expertly varied. Caption: His prodigious musical talents were matched by a genius for deploying the symbolic language of fashion in an age dominated by visual mediums. They laid out the enemy by skilful manoeuvre. Tirion could only marvel at the weapon's exceptional craftsmanship and beauty. Protruding muscles explosive start, body- arc light clothing in the line ups and downs, the sunny face and head drooping hair as contrast background; it is More intricate, layered. These pictures are beauty and delicacy, the modeling is skilful manoeuvre. Now Chinese collectors are beginning to acquire them as homage to the sophistication and commercial acumen of their forebears. Careful observation of these two games of vehicles, each have their own characteristics, the design is intricate. In one letter he wrote: “There are thousands of gold and silver pieces of Inca and pre- Inca handicraft, the most beautiful goldsmith works you are not able to imagine.” This isn't just a tribute to Cameron's genius. The trip gave me a deep impression. I saw some interesting buildings and really admired the engineers' wonderful design. The most unforgettable building is Sri Lanka's Pavilion. China's artificial gardens are of supernatural workmanship. There is a saying in Chinese that anyone can draw a dragon. But only an accomplished artist can draw the dragon's eye, in order to bring it to life. Since then, the wall has served as a monument of the Chinese nation throughout history and a marvelous engineering feat in human history. The dragon and elephant head wood sculptures are of incredible and exceptional workmanship, telling a century-old legend. Hippus HandShoe is a mouse designed in such a way that maximizes your hand comfort while working at the computer. However this un ordinary mouse looks quite stylish. |
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