释义 |
巍然耸立 wēi rán sǒng lì 常用成语 基本例句 rise like a mountain巍然:高大雄伟的样子。比喻像高山一样耸立,不可动摇。繁体巍然聳立近义巍然挺立高层居民楼和摩天大厦巍然耸立,公路看上去完好无损,交通一如往常拥塞不堪。 Residential high-rises and skyscrapers stood tall. Roads looked intact. And traffic seemed as congested as usual. blog.sina.com.cn 然而在柏林墙倒塌17年后的今天,北约总部仍然巍然耸立。 Yet17 years after the Berlin Wall came down, NATO's headquarters are still standing. ecocn 一对大型石狮巍然耸立在颐和园的入口处。 A pair of large stone lions preside massively over the approach to the Summer Palace.《21世纪大英汉词典》 |