词汇 | 山珍海味 |
释义 | 山珍海味 辨析山珍海味和“山肴野蔌”均可指“美味食品”。但山珍海味多指珍贵的食物;而“山肴野蔌”强调“野”;指野味;野菜。 辨析山珍海味和“山肴野蔌”均可指“美味食品”。但山珍海味多指珍贵的食物;而“山肴野蔌”强调“野”;指野味;野菜。 法文mets recherchésmets exquis et rares 俄文деликатесыизысканные закуски и роскошные блюда 德文erlesene Delikatessenalle mǒglichen Kǒstlichkeiten;erlesene Delikatessen alle mǒglichen Kǒstlichkeiten 反义词 Oh, the mansions, the lights, the perfume, the loaded boudoirs and tables! New York must be filled with such bowers, or the beautiful, insolent, supercilious creatures could not be. Oh, the mansions, the lights, the perfume, the loaded boudoirs and tables! To eat one's fill without seeking for gourmet food is of Tao; But on the Winter Solstice, he had no appetite for the whole table of nice dishes of every kind. For most people, an ideal holiday would involve a luxurious hotel, a nice beach to lie on or interesting things to see, and probably some good food thrown into the mix. It seems that only all sorts of delicacies can show how much they feel indebted to teachers. Together they enjoyed a rich feast of all the delicacies of mountain and sea. I sat at a table where were rich food and wine in abundance, and obsequious attendance, but sincerity and truth were not; You see, the rich man only listen to the music played by famous musician and only eat gourmet, such as swallow nest and abalone. The only feasting I do these days is in my dream. Table dishes are also much more than before Fengshun poultry and fish, have Delicacies. |
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