

单词 boots
释义 boots 英buːt美buːt 小高ICOCA³⁸⁸⁰BNC³²¹⁸Economist⁶³⁹⁰


a covering of leather or rubber for the foot and ankle


an enclosed space at the back of a car for bags and boxes


a kick with the foot

vt. 〈非正〉踢


footwear that covers the whole foot and lower legBritish term for the luggage compartment in a carthe swift release of a store of affective force;

they got a great bang out of it

what a boot!

he got a quick rush from injecting heroin

he does it for kicks

protective casing for something that resembles a legan instrument of torture that is used to heat or crush the foot and lega form of foot torture in which the feet are encased in iron and slowly crushedthe act of delivering a blow with the foot;

he gave the ball a powerful kick

the team's kicking was excellent

kick; give a boot tocause to load an operating system and start the initial processes;

boot your computer

boot, shoe

这两个词都含有“鞋”的意思。其区别在于:boot多指用橡皮或皮革制成的长筒靴; 而shoe则是鞋的总称,可笼统地指各类鞋。例如:

I put on my fur coat and boots.我穿上了皮袄和靴子。
The shoes are a perfect fit.这双鞋穿着很合脚。14世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的bote,意为靴子
用作名词 n.
动词+~lace up one's boots系紧靴子介词+~in the boot在行李箱中用作动词 v.~+名词boot ball踢球~+副词boot out赶走,开除
boot out v.+adv.
近义词 教育养育呕出kick踢shoe鞋rush冲bang巨响kicking踢flush冲洗strike罢工hack劈或砍thrill激动charge责任bring up提出the boot解雇reboot重新启动iron boot负重鞋put the boot in猛踢iron heel铁蹄, 专横统治…反义词 shoe鞋
用作名词n.He laced up hisboots.他系紧靴子的鞋带。
I put the luggage in the boot.我把行李放在汽车行李箱里。
What he needs is a good boot up the backside!他需要的是在他屁股上狠狠踢一脚。
Maurice could not see any decent way to give Rosy the boot.莫里斯找不到适当的方式解雇萝丝。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.He booted the ball across the field.他把球踢到场地的另一头。

boot用作名词时意思是“长筒靴,高筒鞋”,此时多用于复数形式; 也可指汽车后面的“行李箱”。boot也可作“踢”解,此时多用于单数形式。

boot用于比喻可作“解雇”解,常用于give sb the boot短语。

用作名词My foot won't go into thisboot.我的脚伸不进这只靴子。
Italy vaguely resembles aboot.意大利国的形状像只靴子。
The door wouldn't open so I gave it aboot.门开不了,所以我朝门猛踢一脚。
The thief gave me abootin my stomach.小偷朝我腹部踢了一脚。
If you are late once more, you'll getting theboot.你再迟到一次,就要把你解雇了。
He got thebootafter fourteen years and had to find a new job.他工作了14年后竟然被解雇了,只好另谋职业。
I'll put the luggage in theboot.我去把行李放进行李箱里。
He squeezed six big bags into thebootof my car.他把六个大提包硬塞进了我车子的行李箱。用作及物动词He keptbootingthe ball into the crowd.他总把球往人群中踢。
His fatherbootedhim out of the house.他父亲把他从家里赶了出去。
It'll take my computer a couple of minutes toboot.我电脑重启需要几分钟的时间。noun.heavy, often tall, shoe
同义词 footwearbrogan,galoshes,oxford,waders,watersmukluk,snow shoesverb.kick;oust
同义词 knock,shove,eject,expel,bounce,evictcut,fire,dismiss,terminate,chuck,sack,drive,extrude,punt,can,ax,discharge,heave,chaseeighty-six,kick out,throw outdropkickverb.start operating system
同义词 load,start,restartreset,rebootbootstrapcold boot,start computer,warm boot As they descended, they were passed by fire fighters and rescue workers, panting, pushing their way up the stairs in their heavy boots and gear.
撤离的过程中,他们不断遇到穿戴着笨重的防火靴和设备的消防员和救援人员喘着粗气沿着楼梯向上。 yeeyan

But he staggered under canvas, pulled his boots off, snored on the ground cloth for a while, woke Jack with the clacking of his jaw.
他摇摇晃晃地钻出了了帆布帐篷,扯掉靴子,刚在铺在地下的毯子上打了一小会儿呼噜,就上牙嗑下牙地叫醒了杰克。 ebigear

For the record: I had to wash my hands twice and boots, and wear plastic gloves and a rather flattering hairnet.
准确情况是:我不得不洗手两次和靴子,并且带上塑料手套和一个相当搞笑的发网。 ecocn

Ploughing through the deep snow in my high boots, I finally reached the farmhouse.

The strings on his boots were as hard as steel. He would have to cut them with his knife.
他的靴子上全部都是冰,一条条冰凌硬的象铁一样,他必须用刀把它们都切掉。 yeeyan

We’d walk down the street for instance, and the click of our shoes, his boots and my shoes, would be like in synchronicity.
比如我俩一起走在街上,我俩的鞋子扣地的声响,他的靴子我的鞋子,像是同步的。 yeeyan

A crowd of Iraqis gathered around, dragged the bodies out of the car and stripped them of their watches, jackets and boots.
一群伊拉克人围了上来,把从车里拖出来尸体,然后扒走了他们的手表、夹克衫和靴子。 yeeyan

At this rate, I may not buy another pair of boots.
按照这个穿着频率,我可能根本用不着再买远足靴了。 iciba

But knowing that the mischievous youngsters would make off with his boots if he left them on the ground, he tied them to his waist-band before he started the climb.
但是他知道如果把靴子留在地上,这群顽皮的小鬼一定会把靴子拿走,于是他先把靴子系在腰带上,然后开始爬树。 ebigear

For example, you might think you need a pair of binoculars, hiking boots or a brand new guide book.
比如,你可能会想你需要一个望远镜,一双登山靴或者一本全新的旅游指南。 bbs.internet.org.cn

I helped them do up their boots and jackets when they wanted to play in the snow.
他们要到雪地里玩耍的时候,我会帮他们穿上他们的靴子和夹克衫; yeeyan

I was rush into buying these expensive boots.

In the fading light I could make out here and there guns, hats, combat trousers, boots, a beard, another gun and a white flag.
通过时明时暗的光线,我能够辨别出来,这里或那里有枪、帽子、军裤、靴子、胡子、又一支枪和白色旗帜。 yeeyan

It may be carried on the boots and gear of humans who poke about in caves.
真菌可能附在人类的靴子和工具上,由人们在洞内工作时带入。 ecocn

My boots are made of hide.
我的靴子是皮革制的。 hjenglish

Our factory has taken to making children's boots.

She was relieved, therefore, when a big guy in a down jacket and snowmobile boots showed up and took the empty seat next to her. He had a cup of takeout coffee.
正因为如此,当一个身穿羽绒服和雪地靴的大个子手上端着一杯外卖咖啡走进来,坐到她身边的空座位上后,她感到松了一口气。 yeeyan

Since their boots shrank when they dried, troopers had to keep them on at night.
由于靴子在风干之后变得紧缩,骑兵们只能穿着它们过夜。 ecocn

So pull out your faded jeans, cowboy boots, and pretty sundresses to become a laid-back American sweetheart.
所以,拿出你的褪色牛仔裤,牛仔靴和漂亮的背心裙,做一个悠闲的美国爱人。 yeeyan

Soldiers complain that generals steal so much of the army's budget that they don't get boots any more.
士兵们抱怨说,将军们窃取了军队那么多的预算,以至于他们都不再有擦靴子的仆役。 ecocn

There are also the costs of the saddle, bridle, blankets, boots and brushes to get started.
另外,开始的时候还需要支付马鞍,马笼头,毛毯,靴子和刷子的费用。 yeeyan

These boots belong in the closet.

Tom and his sister, Amelia, put on their jackets, boots, and mittens. They ran out to play in the snow.
接着,汤姆和他的妹妹艾米丽迅速穿上了夹克、靴子,戴上手套,跑出房间玩雪。 yeeyan

Boots made of recycled plastic bags.
可回收塑料袋制作的靴子。 kekenet




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