

单词 booties
释义 boo·ty 英'buːti美'buːti COCA³⁹⁹⁵¹BNC⁷⁰⁹⁵⁵
goods or money obtained illegallyplay booty勾结朋比为奸…
近义词 spoils赃prize奖品spoil宠坏loot掠夺品plunder掠夺pillage掠夺velvet天鹅绒pickings赃物proceeds收益treasure财富valuables贵重物品swag赃物trophy奖品dirty money非法钱财stolen goods失窃货物ill-gotten gains法 非法所得…

用作名词They handed in their warbootyto their leader.他们把战利品上缴给了上级。
She couldn't wait to get herbootyhome and try it on.她迫不及待地要把战利品带回家试穿。
The bandits divided up thebooty.强盗们平分赃物。
The robber made off with hisbooty.那强盗带着赃物潜逃了。 After the booties were finished, the young woman knitted a baby sweater. Then the yarn was gone.
小靴子完工后,年轻妇人又织了一件婴儿的小衣衫。她的纱线用完了。 blueidea

Jeff King puts booties on Titian as he gets ready to leave Nikolai in first place on day4.
比赛进行第4天时,杰夫•金在准备离开尼古拉时为雪橇狗套上鞋。 yeeyan

Statement shoes sometimes defy logic cage-effect booties or insanely high heels but they always attract attention。
正代鞋有时候不符合常理笼罩式的短靴或者高得吓人的鞋跟,但他们通常是最能吸引注意力的。 edu.sina.com.cn

The booties are designed to accommodate your pedal cleats, and insulate your foot and ankle as well.

This is what it’s like to work at the Foxconn factory: You enter a five- or six-story concrete building, pull on a plastic jacket and hat, and slip booties over your shoes.
富士康工厂中的工作环境就代表了最典型的情况:五六层楼的混凝土建筑,里面工作的工人们穿着塑料夹克和帽子,脚上套着靴子。 yeeyan

To recover the booties during the investigation of economic crimes is very difficult, which is a general problem now.
追赃难是当前经济犯罪案件侦查活动中的一个具有普遍性的问题。 cnki

And it is also essential to distinguish crime of laundering, crime related to booties, and crime of holding a huge amount of property with unidentified sources.
二要注意区分其与上游犯罪、赃物犯罪、巨额财产来源不明罪的关系,不要混淆。 cnki

Cycling booties slipped over your shoes are great in cold weather.

Don't forget to take your booties for getting in and out at the rocky points and try to discover more and more new spots in the area.
不要忘记带获取岩石点,在和你的赃物,并试图发现在该地区越来越多的新景点。 blog.sina.com.cn

I don't have a photo but there black high heel booties with spikes all over the front of shoe.
我没有照片,但与鞋前尖峰有黑色的鞋跟高赃物。 wmtag

Luxury shoes of christian louboutin booties, they are not just famous for their luxurious design any more, also for his distinctive style.
高档鞋子品牌克里斯汀鲁布托,如今不仅因其奢华的设计更因其独特的样式而蜚声。 yeeyan

Open toe design allows for use with socks or booties.
敞开鞋头设计考虑到穿袜子的需要; cnwebmarket

Shaughnessy said Chanel tires quickly, wears goggles for cataracts when she is in the sun, and booties to cushion a benign tumor on her hind leg.
肖尼西说,香奈尔很容易疲倦,因为眼睛有白内障,所以她在太阳光下需戴护目镜,由于后腿上长了一个良性肿瘤,她还穿了护腿套。 ebigear

The booties have been confiscated from nearly20 officials of provincial and city government departments as well as state-owned corporations.
这些物品是没收几乎20位省级市级政府官员以及国有企业官员所得。 blog.sina.com.cn

We had to wear white suits to protect against radiation, a full respirator mask, two pairs of gloves, and plastic booties over our shoes.
我们必须戴好呼吸面罩,穿上一套防辐射的白色防护服,戴上两副手套,还要在鞋子外面套上塑料靴。 yeeyan




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