

单词 booted up
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After it has booted up the Setup- Wizard will start!
注册后,已启动安装,向导将启动! xda-china

For example an OS that simply booted up the computer, connected to the internet, and then opened Firefox.
例如,一个仅仅是用来启动计算机的操作系统,之后连上互联网,打开 Firefox。 blog.sina.com.cn

I booted up the LPAR, and all appeared well, until the applications were started.
我启动了这个 LPAR,直到启动应用程序之前看起来一切顺利。 ibm

If the universe were a virtual reality, its creation at the big bang would no longer be paradoxical, as every virtual system must be booted up.
如果世界是虚拟的,它的出现在大爆炸理论中就不会自相矛盾,因为每个虚拟系统都会被输入。 yeeyan

She sat down at her desk, booted up her computer, and watched as the screen flickered on.
她坐到电脑桌旁,启动电脑,看着屏幕不停地闪烁。 yeeyan




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