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词汇 boot
释义 boot 英buːt美butAHDb›t ★★★☆☆高四六研I牛4八COCA²⁸³¹BNC⁵⁸⁹⁷iWeb²²⁴⁴Economist¹⁰⁵⁷⁷


a covering of leather or rubber for the foot and ankle


an enclosed space at the back of a car for bags and boxes


a kick with the foot

vt. 〈非正〉踢


footwear that covers the whole foot and lower legBritish term for the luggage compartment in a carthe swift release of a store of affective force;

they got a great bang out of it

what a boot!

he got a quick rush from injecting heroin

he does it for kicks

protective casing for something that resembles a legan instrument of torture that is used to heat or crush the foot and lega form of foot torture in which the feet are encased in iron and slowly crushedthe act of delivering a blow with the foot;

he gave the ball a powerful kick

the team's kicking was excellent

kick; give a boot tocause to load an operating system and start the initial processes;

boot your computer

boot, shoe

这两个词都含有“鞋”的意思。其区别在于:boot多指用橡皮或皮革制成的长筒靴; 而shoe则是鞋的总称,可笼统地指各类鞋。例如:

I put on my fur coat and boots.我穿上了皮袄和靴子。
The shoes are a perfect fit.这双鞋穿着很合脚。来自古法语,最终可能源自原始日耳曼语,原本指骑马时穿的马靴,后来可以泛指各种靴子。在口语中,boot还可以用作动词,表示用靴子踢打,引申为“猛踢、赶走”。表示“启动”的boot其实是bootstrap的简略形式,本意是靴子背面的皮带,在穿靴子时帮助把靴子提上来。用作动词表示“帮助把靴子提上来”。在计算机领域,bootstrap表示电脑的引导程序,开机时引导启动电脑的操作系统,就像是帮人把靴子提上来。转作动词表示“引导启动电脑的操作系统”,比如boot up the computer启动电脑。
用作名词 n.
动词+~lace up one's boots系紧靴子介词+~in the boot在行李箱中用作动词 v.~+名词boot ball踢球~+副词boot out赶走,开除
boot out v.+adv.
故事记忆穿上防水 Boot长筒靴浇灌树的 Root根飞车党来 Loot抢劫折了树的 Shoot新枝,嫩芽然后把树 Uproot连根拔起非常记忆boo〖象600〗+t伞〖编码〗⇒我把600把伞塞进靴子里面联想记忆足foot蹬长靴boot近义词 教育养育呕出kick踢shoe鞋rush冲bang巨响kicking踢flush冲洗strike罢工hack劈或砍thrill激动charge责任bring up提出the boot解雇reboot重新启动iron boot负重鞋put the boot in猛踢iron heel铁蹄, 专横统治…反义词 shoe鞋
用作名词n.He laced up hisboots.他系紧靴子的鞋带。
I put the luggage in the boot.我把行李放在汽车行李箱里。
What he needs is a good boot up the backside!他需要的是在他屁股上狠狠踢一脚。
Maurice could not see any decent way to give Rosy theboot.莫里斯找不到适当的方式解雇萝丝。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.He booted the ball across the field.他把球踢到场地的另一头。Pbootlegv.私卖Pbooteda.穿靴的Pbootlacen.鞋带Preboot重新启动Pfreebootern.海盗Pjackbootn.长统靴Pfreebootvi.做海盗Pbooting引导引导装入Pbootlegging走私漏税Pbootlickv.拍马屁谄媚Pbootjackn.V字形脱靴器Pbootmakern.靴匠制靴者Pboottreen.靴/鞋的楦头Pbootyn.战利品获得之物Pbootlessa.无用的无益的Pbooteen.毛线鞋女人的短靴Pbootstrapn.解靴带引导程序Pbootstrapping自展自举引导Pbootblackn.以擦皮鞋为业的人Pboot-legging走私漏税违禁卖酒Pbootleggern.造私酒者走私者走私犯


boot用作名词时意思是“长筒靴,高筒鞋”,此时多用于复数形式; 也可指汽车后面的“行李箱”。boot也可作“踢”解,此时多用于单数形式。

boot用于比喻可作“解雇”解,常用于give sb the boot短语。

用作名词My foot won't go into thisboot.我的脚伸不进这只靴子。
Italy vaguely resembles aboot.意大利国的形状像只靴子。
The door wouldn't open so I gave it aboot.门开不了,所以我朝门猛踢一脚。
The thief gave me abootin my stomach.小偷朝我腹部踢了一脚。
If you are late once more, you'll getting theboot.你再迟到一次,就要把你解雇了。
He got thebootafter fourteen years and had to find a new job.他工作了14年后竟然被解雇了,只好另谋职业。
I'll put the luggage in theboot.我去把行李放进行李箱里。
He squeezed six big bags into thebootof my car.他把六个大提包硬塞进了我车子的行李箱。用作及物动词He keptbootingthe ball into the crowd.他总把球往人群中踢。
His fatherbootedhim out of the house.他父亲把他从家里赶了出去。
It'll take my computer a couple of minutes toboot.我电脑重启需要几分钟的时间。noun.heavy, often tall, shoe
同义词 footwearbrogan,galoshes,oxford,waders,watersmukluk,snow shoesverb.kick;oust
同义词 bounce,eject,evict,expel,knock,shoveax,can,chase,chuck,cut,discharge,dismiss,drive,dropkick,extrude,fire,heave,punt,sack,terminateeighty-six,kick out,throw outverb.start operating system
同义词 reboot,resetbootstrap,load,restart,startcold boot,start computer,warm boot
Denver bootnoun wheel-locking clamp
Boston boot
attackverb assault physically
advance,aggress,ambush,assail,assault,bash,bat,bean,beat,beset,besiege,biff,blast,boff,bombard,boot,bop,brain,bust,charge,chop down,clip,clock,club,combat,cook,harm,hit,hurt,infiltrate,invade,jump,kick,knock block off,knock cold,knock for a loop,larrup,lay siege to,light into,molest,mug,overwhelm,pounce upon,punch,raid,rush,set upon,slog,soak,stab,storm,strike,take the offensive,turn on,wallop,whop
attacksverb assault physically
advances,aggresses,ambushes,assails,assaults,bashes,bats,beans,beats,besets,besieges,biffs,blasts,blisters,boffs,bombards,boots,bops,brains,busts,charges,chops down,clips,clocks,clubs,combats,cooks,harms,hits,hurts,infiltrates,invades,jumps,kicks,knocks block off,knocks cold,knocks for a loop,larrups,lies siege to,light into,molests,mugs,overwhelms,pounce upon,punches,raids,rushes,sets upon,slogs,soaks,stabs,storms,strikes,takes the offensive,turns on,wallops,whops
ax/axeverb dismiss from service
boot,bounce,can,cancel,cut back,discharge,dispense with,eliminate,fire,get rid of,give a pink slip,give the boot,kick out,lay off,remove,sack,terminate,throw out
axesverb dismiss from service
chops,cuts,cuts down,falls,hews
axingverb dismiss from service
chopping,cutting,cutting down,falling,hewing Instead of catching fish,all he fished out was an old boot.

The first boot takes a while as the system configures itself, during which the monitor and console may stay dark.
第一次引导需要一段时间,因为系统本身需要配置,期间监视器和控制台可能显示黑屏。 ibm

This is where you pass any necessary boot options to the kernel.
在这里您将把任何必需的引导选项传递至内核。 ibm

Each network adapter should be configured with a boot address and associated host name.
每个网络适配器应该配置一个引导地址和相关联的主机名。 ibm

For this step, each node must be booted using the PXE network boot option in the BIOS.
对于这个步骤,每个节点都必须在 BIOS中使用 PXE网络启动选项来启动。 ibm

He angrily swished his boot.

However, with this option, AIX receives its boot information from another server on the network.
但是,使用该选项时, AIX从网络上的另一台服务器接收其启动信息。 ibm

I walk through some of the major functions in the boot chain and explain what's happening.
我们将介绍启动链中的几个主要函数,并解释一下到底在进行什么操作。 ibm

If you do not specify this option in the configuration file, LILO will boot into the default OS with no user interaction and no waiting.
如果不在配置文件中指定此选项,那么 LILO将引导到默认的 OS,不发生任何用户交互,也不会等待。 ibm

In this section, I replicate a system error with an inability to boot.
在这一节中,我复制了一个具有无法引导错误的系统错误。 ibm

It then loads kernels or the boot sectors of other operating systems.
然后它加载内核或者其它操作系统的引导扇区。 ibm

It may be that using this technique makes little improvement for some systems, while for others, it could have a dramatic impact on boot speed.
对于某些系统来说,使用这种方法可能只会有很小的改进,但对于其他系统,它可能会显著地影响引导速度。 ibm

Once this is all in place, you should have a CF card that will simply boot and come up on your target system.
一旦这些都设置好了之后,您就应该有了一个完全能在您的目标系统上引导和运行的 CF卡。 ibm

One of their roles is to pass the necessary drivers to the operating system kernel and initialize the drivers properly during the system boot phase.
它们的作用之一就是在系统启动阶段将必需的驱动程序传递给操作系统内核并初始化这些驱动程序。 ibm

Put the disk in the drive, and boot from the CD.
把这张盘放到磁盘驱动器里,然后从光盘启动。 yeeyan

Some, but not all, of this stays useful no matter what you're going to boot.
不管您要引导什么系统,这些工作中的一部分但并非全部都会非常有用。 ibm

The first boot takes a while as the system configures itself.
第一次引导需要一段时间,因为系统本身需要配置。 ibm

The screen that appears, shown in Figure11, prompts you to specify which partition to boot from.
接着就会显示如图11所示的屏幕,提示您指定要从哪个分区上启动。 ibm

These determine the processor type and how to create new boot media.
这可以判断处理器类型和创建新启动介质的方式。 ibm

This file must contain the path to each activation script, and ordering rules for when it executes at boot.
这个文件必须包含每个激活脚本的路径,以及在启动时它所执行的顺序规则。 ibm

This partition is not required if your computer uses BIOS to boot.
如果您的计算机使用 BIOS引导,则不需要这个分区。 ibm

To start the wizard, boot the machine with the toolkit.
要启动该向导,使用工具包引导机器即可。 ibm

You might also use it if you need to boot a system into single- user mode or perhaps runlevel3 instead of your normal runlevel.
如果需要将系统引导为单用户模式,或者要让运行级别为 3而不是普通的运行级别,也可能会使用到它。 ibm

You may never need it, and there are other ways to boot a problematic system, but it's nice to have around when you need it.
您可能从来都不会需要它,而且也还有其它方式引导出问题的系统,但万一需要时有这么一张软盘总是好的。 ibm

Your network administrator must have added your machine to the list of allowed clients for network boot.
您的网络管理员必须已将您的机器添加到网络引导的允许客户端列表中。 ibm

Boot prints, as well, but smaller.
也是靴子印儿,但稍小一些。 yeeyan




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