词汇 | 对症下药 |
释义 | 对症下药 辨析对症下药和“有的放矢”;都有“言论;行动有针对性”的意思。但对症下药偏重在针对不同的情况确定措施和办法;“有的放矢”偏重在有目的;有针对性。 辨析对症下药和“有的放矢”;都有“言论;行动有针对性”的意思。但对症下药偏重在针对不同的情况确定措施和办法;“有的放矢”偏重在有目的;有针对性。 歇后语害什么病开什么方;发疟疾吃奎宁 法文prendre des mesurces appropriéesadministrer le médicament selon la maladie 俄文прописывать нужное лекáрство 德文die passende Arznei verabreichen 华陀给病人诊疗时,能够根据不同的情况,开出不同的处方。 有一次,州官倪ní寻和李延一同到华陀那儿看病,两人诉说的病症zhèng相同:头痛发热。华陀分别给两人诊了脉后,给倪寻开了泻药,给李延开了发汗的药。 两人看了药方,感到非常奇怪,问:“我们两人的症状相同,病情一样,为什么吃的药却不一样呢?” 华陀解释说:“你俩相同的,只是病症的表象,倪寻的病因是由内部伤食引起的,而李延的病却是由于外感风寒,着了凉引起的。两人的病因不同,我当然得对症下药,给你们用不同的药治疗了。” 倪寻和李延服药后,没过多久,病就全好了。 证:病症。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 “ There won't be a one- size-fits-all drug for rheumatoid arthritis, ” he says. “ We'll need drugs targeting the mechanisms that drive arthritis in different subsets of patients.” “ If you can identify things in the environment that cause autism, you're more likely to know how to pinpoint it and treat it,” she said. Unfortunately, the plan as released doesn’t live up to the diagnosis. But the available medications work only for a short period of time and only in some people, Silverberg says. How may this be, unless you first lay open to him the wound or trouble in your soul? It cannot be gleaned from empirical surveys or programmed into individuals through a combination of behavioral therapy and anti- depressants. Homeopathic medicines are typically based on the “like-cures-like” philosophy, and symptoms are used to determine the natural ingredients that may help to bring about relief. He added that dealing with the rise would require reduced consumption of energy and resources to tackle the causes and improve forecasting and defences. His financial white paper gets much right. This chapter is the key, and proposes the countermeasure analysis is the premise and basis for the reason of only, can suit the remedy to the case. Here are some facts for you to consider while you think about your own sleep disturbances. He deserves credit for grasping the industry's problems quickly and then trying to tackle them. They need to tackle the problem directly, by setting up better risk control, rather than indirectly by ticking various corporate- governance boxes. |
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