词汇 | 对外 |
释义 | 对外 对外关系duìwài ɡuānxì;foreign relations 对外交易duìwài hànyǔ对外汉语;Chinese to speakers of other languages 对外经济关系duìwài jīnɡjì ɡuānxì;foreign economic relations 对外经济技术合作duìwài jīnɡjì jìshù hézuò;foreign economic and technological cooperation 对外经济技术交流duìwài jīnɡjì jìshù jiāoliú;economic and technological exchange with the outside world;foreign economic and technological exchanges 对外扩张duìwài kāifànɡ对外开放〔动〕open to the outside world 对外援助duìwài màoyì对外贸易;foreign trade 对外账户duìwài zhànɡhù;external/outward account 对外政策duìwài zhènɡcè;foreign policy Readers of A Century of War will gain an indispensable tool for understanding American foreign policy. Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade; But instead of re- evaluating our foreign policy, we have simply escalated it. But this book, the last one, are both about big problems: cooperation, foreign intelligence. But Japan’s saving rate has been falling for years, so why did the external surplus still loom large until last year? Should America put the“ war on terrorism” at the heart of its foreign policy or treat it as just one concern among many? France has a certain specificity in its foreign policy. Republicans want to slash foreign aid, but not the aid to Israel. The Millennium Declaration sets out a framework of principles that can guide foreign relations: equity, social justice, and above all, shared responsibility. The open cities will be testing grounds for our external policies. They were hounded on the foreign policy of the government. Net investment profit is the balance of income on external investment after deducting investment loss. I want to break down foreign trade barriers, break them down, so that America's small businesses can compete abroad, not build them up. These significant cuts to the State Department and foreign assistance will mean we will not meet some of the ambitious goals set for the nation in the President’s Budget. Only a few Russians had experience in world markets, and they had all worked for the foreign trade monopoly. We began to attract greater world attention as a market when we opened our door to the outside world. |
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