词汇 | 寄人篱下 |
释义 | 寄人篱下 法文vivre aux dépens d'autrui,aux crochets d'autrui 俄文жить в чужóм дóме 德文die Füβe unter js Tisch strecken jm auf der Tasche liegen 南齐太祖萧道成在没有做皇帝的时候,就很欣赏张融的才学和品格。张融能言善辩,讲话幽默。有一次张融请假回乡,萧道成问他家住在哪里。张融回答说:“我住在陆地上但不是房屋里,住在船上但不是水上。”萧道成不明白这是怎么一回事,就问张融的亲戚张绪。张绪告诉皇上说:“张融家住在东山附近,没有固定的住处。暂且将一只小船牵上岸边,全家人住在里面。”萧道成听了哈哈大笑。还有一次,萧道成曾当面答应授任张融为司徒长史,然而却很长时间没有正式下诏书。一天,张融骑着一匹瘦得可怜的马上下朝。萧道成看见了就问他:“你的这匹马怎么这么瘦啊?你每天给它多少饲料?”张融回答说:“我答应喂它一石粟,可是我并没有真的喂给它啊!”萧道成明白了张融的意思,随即正式下诏授任张融为司徒长史。 有一次,萧道成与张融探讨书法。萧道成说:“你的书法已经颇有骨力,但还缺少二王的法度。”张融回答说:“陛下不应该说我缺少二王的法度,应说二王缺少我的法度。”在写文章方面,张融也主张要有独创性,要有自己的风格。他在《门律自序》中写道:“作为男子汉大丈夫,写文章应当像孔子删编《诗》;《书》,制定《礼》;《乐》那样,发扬自己的创造性,为什么要模仿别人,像鸟雀那样寄居在人家的篱笆下面呢?” 反义词 Living under people's roof, you can't cat walk. Low profile allows an easy life- cat's philosophy. He feels himself obliged from his dependent situation to give in to her schemes. You have a great need to be in control of your life You are very independent and do not like working under someone, which can create problems while you are young. The actress later would describe her stays with these foster families as sometimes very unhappy. You know the bitter taste of living under somebody else's thumb. He said he had me over barrel, and somehow I always fuck his ass with my camera. A little orphanage girl was runaway from the home as the relatives treated her badly, an old man brought her home, gave her proper food and education, even though he is very poor. A living off others, deprived of self- sovereignty of the weak and women will feature, in social power, family power and moral authority of the depression, the is no happiness in. |
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