词汇 | 宾至如归 |
释义 | 宾至如归 辨形“至”,不能写作“到”。 辨析宾至如归和“门庭若市”;都有“客人上门”的意思。不同在于:宾至如归形容待客热情;周到;客人感到温暖;“门庭若市”表示“门前和院子里热闹得像市场;形容上门的客人很多。 辨形“至”,不能写作“到”。 辨析宾至如归和“门庭若市”;都有“客人上门”的意思。不同在于:宾至如归形容待客热情;周到;客人感到温暖;“门庭若市”表示“门前和院子里热闹得像市场;形容上门的客人很多。 法文les hǒtes se sentent comme chez eux 俄文Гость прихóдит сюдá как домóй 德文die Gǎste fühlen sich hier wie zu Hause 公元前542年,子产奉郑简公之命出访晋国,带去许多礼物。当时,正遇上鲁襄公逝世,晋平公借口为鲁国国丧致哀,没有迎接郑国使者。子产就命令随行的人员,把晋国宾馆的围墙拆掉,然后赶进车马,安放物品。 晋平公得知这一消息,吃了一惊,派大夫士文伯到宾馆责问子产。士文伯说:“我国是诸侯的盟主,来朝聘的诸侯官员很多为了防止盗贼,保障来宾安全,特意修建了这所宾馆,筑起厚厚的围墙。现在你们把围墙拆了,其他诸侯来宾的安全怎么办呢?我国国君想知道你们拆围墙的意图是什么。” 子产回答说:“我们郑国是小国,需要向大国进献贡品。这一次我们带了从本国搜罗来的财产前来朝会,偏偏遇上你们的国君没有空,既见不到,也不知道进见日期。我听说过去晋文公做盟主的时候,自已住的宫室是低小的,接待诸侯的宾馆却造得又高又大。宾客到达的时候,样样事情有人照应,能很快献上礼品。他和宾客休戚与共,你不懂的,他给予教导,你有困难,他给予帮助。宾客来到这里就像回到自己家里一样。可是,现在晋国铜鞋山的宫室有好几里地面,而让诸侯宾客住的却是奴隶住的屋子。门口进不去车子,接见又没有确切的日期。我们不能翻墙进去,如果不拆掉围墙,让这些礼物日晒夜露,就是我们的罪过了。如果让我们交了礼物,我们愿意修好围墙再回去。” 士文伯把情况报告了晋平公,平公感到惭愧,马上接见子产,隆重宴请,绐了丰厚的回赠,并下令重新建造宾馆。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 The hotel’s well-trained staffs provide all guests with its first-class service they need for a pleasant and cozy stay at the hotel. The guests are ensured to feel at home while staying at the hotel. RIGHT now my kitchen is teeming with bacteria, and I'm doing everything I can to make them feel at home. Members do not just come to Alexander to work out; the underlying goal is to create an atmosphere full of openness and caring so that all customers will literally feel at home. People from all over the world feel at home in Hong Kong. It certainly should. China needs to start feeling more at home in the world. He said he was made feel at home by students at the National University of Ireland in Galway where he studied several subjects, including earth and ocean science, for the past four months. While their lack of aversion towards flies landing on the food took the edge off my appetite, they couldn't have tried to make me feel more welcome. All are extremely pleased to see any visitors and will do all they can to make them feel at home, wanted and needed. To make visiting businessmen feel at home, the city now has“ international” taxis, manned by multilingual drivers, he pointed out. “I feel at home when I am in Egypt, ” said Wen. We wish you can talk heart-to-heart, and receive home feeling. We really enjoyed our holiday. The hotel was a home from home. With luck, the coming year, when Shanghai hosts World Expo2010—“an occasion”, runs the publicity, “ for the world to feel at home in China”— may see that begin to change. Britain prides itself on making newcomers feel at home. These appendages have since increased in quantity, but they have become unfeeling, and know not the art of making high and low alike feel at home. And, indeed, Zi Fi is a restaurant designed to make the successful businessman feel at home. It has taken me a while to feel at home in Chinatown as a non- Chinese woman. They are attracted by its history, its scenic beauty, and, most of all, its diverse culture and warm, hospitable people, who sing, dance, and treat visitors like old friends. All travellers find this hotel a home from home. |
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