

单词 bookies
释义 bookies ˈbukiz COCA⁶¹⁹⁶³BNC²¹⁹⁶⁵Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺
n.俚赛马的赌注者bookie的名词复数原型booky的复数 AMID the flurry of last- minute bets for Bob Dylan once rated by bookies at 100/1, a relatively unknown Swedish poet, Tomas Tranströmer, has won the Nobel prize for literature.
最后一分钟人们还在乱哄哄地赌鲍勃•迪伦业余赌徒曾将其赔率定为100 比1的时候,知名度相对较低的瑞典诗人托马斯•特朗斯特罗默赢得了诺贝尔文学奖。 ecocn

IT WILL not come with garden parties, large hats or eager bookies.
没有花园派对,没有大礼帽,也没有狂热的赌徒; yeeyan

The bookies, of course, usually win.
当然庄家总是赢的。 ecocn

This is just like our financial system except the bookies don't create new leagues to bet on.
除了赌注并不产生新的赌注联盟,就好像是我们的金融系统。 focustt

“The bookies are usually the ones who get it right and I would not disagree with them,” he said.
他说:“打赌者投注站通常都预测很准。我不会不同意他们的意见。” ebigear

A few days later— bucking the bookies— he called Serbia's upset over Germany.
数日后,出乎大多数赌家的意料,他预测了德国队将负于塞尔维亚。 blog.sina.com.cn

According to the betting shops, known locally as bookies, Christofias is the favorite to win this election.
根据当地知名的投注站“打赌者”,卡苏利季斯更有希望赢得选举。 ebigear

Also, online commerce is far more readily vetted and tracked than transactions by high- street or on-track bookies, so corruption should be far easier to sniff out.
同样,网上商务也比赛场或高街的交易远更容易被审查,跟踪。所以,腐败应该很容易被发现。 ecocn

Britain's former prime minister, Tony Blair, is the hot favourite with the bookiesand is probably the best- known candidate to non- Europeans.
英国前首相托尼布莱尔是最热门人选可能也是非欧洲人中最有名的候选人。 ecocn

But some punters may want to offer odds against Chelsea, which Betfair allows and traditional bookies do not.
但是一些下赌注者会使赔率不利于 chelsea,这在 Betfair是允许的,在传统的赌注是不行的。 ecocn

But their manager thinks this Quarter- Final tie is far more finely balanced than the bookies would have you believe.
但是他们的主帅认为这场四分之一决赛较量要比赌博公司开出的赔率更为势均力敌。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn

Don't lay any bets with one of the small bookies on the course: he may welch on you.
不要同跑马场上的小赌家打什么赌:他会赖帐的。 hotdic

Dublin’s bookies seem to agree: the odds suggest he might be in with a chance.
都柏林的赌徒似乎同意这一说法:这种可能性也许只能碰碰运气了。 ecocn

Even the bookies, who are always meant to be right, having a financial interest in being so, were wrong.
连赌博赔率的人他们总被认为是对的,因为有着经济利益牵扯进去,也都错了。 yeeyan

Fletch is keen to end that barren run this weekend, and in doing so dent the hopes of the bookies' favourites to take this year's title.
弗莱彻很想结束这一历史,借此也可以好好打击一下博彩公司最看好的切尔西的夺冠前景。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn

In the bookies, I'd used my brain to work out the odds, but it's all computerised now and it seems too easy.
记得在彩票登记处时,我还得开动自己的大脑去算中奖率,而如今,计算机就可以把一切都搞定,而且,看起来易如反掌。 yeeyan

Instead, the government's independent selection panel chose nearby Manchester, a boomtown of the 1990s that bookies had deemed a rank outsider.
相反,政府的独立选择评判小组选择了靠近曼彻斯特的曾不被赌注登记经纪人们看好的一个1990年代的新兴城市。 ecocn

Most bookies back Ms Fox, but only just.
虽然一些学者支持福克斯女士,但也仅此而已。 ecocn

No bookies are involved, so you get better odds and bigger payouts.
没有赌博公司参与其中,因此您能获得更好的赔率且更多的彩金。 proz

Not even the bookies, whose job it is to see such things before the rest of us do, glimpsed this happening.
并不是书本上的东西,这些工作之前由其他人干了,我们都看到这些故事发生。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn

The bookies must be hoping that gravitational-wave scientists find no reason to end the reticence of the past four decades.
这个设赌局的人一定在希望,科学家们在过去的40年间找不到理由来结束缄默的时间。 ecocn

Bookies registered offshore, notably in Antigua and the Mohawk Reserve in Canada.
赌徒们离岸注册,在著名的安提瓜岛或者加拿大的莫霍克保留区。 ecocn




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