

单词 book form
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So for him, it was an easy decision to reflect on what he had learned as a web entrepreneur and to share it with others in book form.
他就是这样的人。白手起家办网站的经验教训更容易引起他的思考并成书与众人分享。 fortunechina

Advanced reading copies are always printed as soft covers, but, even so, that was my first opportunity to see the manuscript in book form.
新版的书一般都是软封的,但即使这样,这是我第一次看到我的手稿付印成书。 iask.sina.com.cn

Amazon will publish122 books this fall in an array of genres, in both physical and e- book form.
今年秋天,亚马逊将出版122本各类型的图书,印刷版和电子版的都有。 yeeyan

Did you know that you can assemble your own wiki pages from Wikipedia and print them out in book form?
你知道可以自己从维基百科上收集维基页面打印成书吗? yeeyan

In 1997, Mr. Salinger agreed to let Orchises Press, a small publisher in Alexandria, Va., bring out “ Hapworth” in book form, but he backed out of the deal at the last minute.
1997年,塞林格同意让奥齐斯出版社一家位于弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市的小出版商发行《哈普沃兹》的单行本,但他在最后关头又取消了这个协议。 yeeyan

Madam, I have picked up a book form the ground.
夫人,我在地上捡到一本书。 blog.sina.com.cn

Maps and hydrographic or similar charts of all kinds including atlases, wall maps and topographical plans printed, in book form.
印刷之地图及水道图或各种类似图,包括地图集、悬挂地图及地形图,成册者。 tdcinfo.sme.net.cn

That changed in the early1990s when much of the previously unpublished text was brought out in book form.
但到1990年代初,该政策有所改变,当时许多此前未曾出版的文本均被印制成书。 yeeyan




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