

单词 bookends
释义 bookends 英'bʊkendz美'bʊkendz COCA⁶¹⁹²⁷BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.书夹; 书挡原型bookend的三单
名词 bookend:
a support placed at the end of a row of books to keep them upright on a shelf or table By the end, there were two, bookends to a debt-driven expansion that was neither robust nor sustainable.
但是在这10年结束时,经济学家们普遍认为,债务驱动的发展既不能使经济强大也无法长久。 blog.sina.com.cn

In a sense, Britain and China may prove to be bookends on this phase of development that will be seen as abnormal in the long-term scale of human development.
从某种意义来说,英国和中国或许成了这一阶段的开端和结束,而这一阶段从长期的人类发展来看是不正常的。 eucma

Like bookends, these two statements frame a well- lived, purpose driven life.
这两句话陈述出他卓越的人生架构——一个目的导向的人生。 ebigear

He had bookends from his seasons in the Spanish League, generally considered the second toughest basketball league in the world.
在西班牙联赛他一直过着最美好的日子,这里是世界公认强度仅次于 NBA的联赛。 tianya

How does the writer end the essay? What do the introduction and conclusion as “ bookends” of the piece suggest about how to read the essay?
作者如何结束这篇短文?介绍与结论作为头尾,有没有关于如何阅读这篇短文的提示? myoops

Like bookends on a long row of volumes, the two exercises would frame the story of evolution so far.
这两种演示就像两个书立圈起一长排书籍一样,圈起迄今为止的进化故事。 yeeyan

One of the most interesting discussions was about internal symbolic connections in the film, or what some people called “ bookends”.
那时,最有趣的一个话题是,大家一起讨论《断背山》里有哪些伏笔。 blog.sina.com.cn

The two most memorable pieces are the bookends of the issue.
最令人难忘的两篇文章则在该刊的书末。 ecocn

TWO images serve as bookends to the four- decades-old rule of Libya's ruler, Col. Muammar el- Qaddafi.
四十年,利比亚,权柄曾在手,两幅图,卡扎菲,首尾交相映。 yeeyan

Use these for creative bookends or just as decoration.
用做创意书立或者仅做装饰。 yeeyan




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